LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I am so glad they finally got rid of Ana-Lucia. She was one of the most annoying characters on the show. Now all they have to do is get rid of Jack and Hurley and I'll be happy.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

OMG!!!! I was speachless. I guess I didn't think those two would get killed and by Michael!!! I really want to know the reasoning for that. Even though I didn't like Ana Lucia and was wishing her gone I didn't think this would happen. I too thought it was a dream untill he shot Libby and then himself. Waiting till next week....
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I liked Ana Lucia. But, they do need to get rid of Jack. I think Michael did the shooting spree to make it look like Henry (who is AWESOME) shot them and escaped. I'm GLAD Libby's dead. I think she's too skinny for Hurley, and very much too creepy.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Omg, I feel so bad for the people who are resisting the spoilers. It's so tempting. But anyways.
I hope it comes out on DVD soon. I like getting my LOST fix whenever I feel like it, not when ABC decides it =\
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Whoop! Episode 3 on tomorrow night for UK watchers! :D I can't believe how quickly it's come round again :eek: (not that I'm complaining :p ). Hope we get to see some more of Sawyer :devil:

Has anyone else heard that apparently they have enough Lost material to make up to series 5? :eek: Man, I don't think I can wait that long for all the answers! :eek: *sigh* Oh well, I'll still stick with it :p
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Good lord, till season 5. Don't solve anything, make up another mystery and keep going. But then again my theory is this is all in Jacks head.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I actaully think its all in Hurley's Head because of Hurley's latest ep BUT heck maybe its all in everyones head *smirks*
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well, whoever's head it's in, they better get on putting Charlie and Claire together. It's getting depressing.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yes I second that emotion Palm
BUT i'm a bit worried if they do
as of lately whenever someone cares deeply for someone the other person ends up dead it happened to Sayid and Shannon and it Happened to Hurley and Libby I'm a bit worried that if they do end up going the Charlie and Claire route one of them may wind up dead
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

wibble said:
Whoop! Episode 3 on tomorrow night for UK watchers! :D
Really? Is that 2 episodes on channel and 1 episode on E4? I thought showing the 2 episodes on channel 4 last week was a one off due to the new season starting. :confused: At this rate we will finish season 2 in half the time! :lol: Not that I mind, but I will be watching telly from 9 - 12am. :eek:

Has anyone else heard that apparently they have enough Lost material to make up to series 5? :eek: Man, I don't think I can wait that long for all the answers! :eek: *sigh* Oh well, I'll still stick with it :p
Series 5! I can't wait that long, I'm already going out my mind. :lol: Can't really complain - that will mean 5 seasons of Sawyer. *yay* :D

*EDIT* - I've just found an article regarding season 2 that you maybe interested in. Lost: 'Greatest finale ever' - Not really any spoilers in the article, just really about how good it will be.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I dunno how in the world I will wait it out 5 seasons, but I will just keep watching. This is one of the few shows that I can just never figure out what is going to happen and that is why I love it so much!
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Thanks for the article, Tink. It's hard to describe how I feel about Abrams and the rest of the crew. I love 'em and hate 'em at the same time. They just drive me so crazy! :lol:

To make up for my lack of time spent in here I've composed a list of some Sawyer quotes. I've been going over my LOST dvds and well:

"Better than three of you wandering into the magical forest to bag a hung of ham with nuthin' but a little bitty hunting knife? Hell no! It's the best idea I've ever heard."
"Right behind ya ... Jackass."
Kate: Where did that come from?
Sawyer: Probably bear village, how the hell do I know?
Kate: Not the bear, the gun.

Jack: Get up.
Sawyer: Why, you wanna see who's taller?

Kate: Get up. You're going to Jack.
Sawyer: Do I get a lolipop?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Okay wednesdays night eps was very sad for me
I was upset that Libby died what is it with the island giving you a couple then killing one of them off . I'm a MAJOR Charlie and Claire shipper but maybe its good they arent together cause if they were one of them would be bound to die
Great Sawyer qoutes HAM
I was watching him on CSI and all I could think was "Its Sawyer" I was half waiting for him to say some smart mouth remark
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

When was Josh Holloway on CSI ? I can´t remember seeing him...Was it LV, NY or Miami ?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Chez said:
When was Josh Holloway on CSI ? I can´t remember seeing him...Was it LV, NY or Miami ?
Josh Holloway appeared in the LV episode 'Assume Nothing'. :)

Great quotes HAM, I love some of the lines Sawyer comes out with. In the last episode I saw, which was the 2nd episode in season 2, he kept saying cupcake. Awww bless. :lol: