LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

:lol: Wow. Maybe I should scan in the picture of Jack from Entertainment Weekly when he was on the cover, soaking....
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

HoratioAndMe said:
Hot men in wet T's always gets my attention!

Me too ;) just a pity it wasn't Sawyer instead of Jack :devil:

And Tink - I hope you didn't hold up the queue too much :lol:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Favorite characters for me would be Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley.

I think I ship Jack and Kate moreso than Kate and Sawyer, but I just cannot make up my mind! LOL
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'


Ok, that HAD to be a dream, right? Right?! How could that happen?! He just went all gun-happy and started shooting people! Did the others get to him somehow, brainwash him? (Ok, that's farfetched, and I don't really believe it, but come on, this is Lost after all...) ACK! And now Henry's gonna run away! This is insane...
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

*Yay* The UK finally started season 2 on Wednesday! *jumps up and down* So, I started off watching CSI at 9pm, then Lost's season 2 premier started at 10pm and then channel 4 said they were going to show the next episode of Lost straight after. By the end of the night I hadn't moved from my seat in 3 hours! :eek:

Anyway, it was so good, the beginning confused the hell out of me! I had no idea who that guy was listening to music and washing his breakfast bowl up, I was like 'Who the hell is that?'. :lol: It also took a bit of getting used to seeing Jack with a full head of hair in his flashbacks. :eek: I was a bit gutted we didn't get to see Sawyer and the raft story line in the first episode, but I was so pleased to see him in the second episode. :D Sawyer and Michael were like a married couple arguing in the middle of the ocean on 2 rafts. :lol: I cracked up when Sawyer said 'What ya gonna do, splash me?' :lol: I can't believe what happened at the end with Jin! :eek: I can't wait until next Tuesday. :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

WHOA! Last night's episode was a Killer! Literally!!!

Oh my God! The others have brainwashed Michael and sent him to kill Ana Lucia and "Henry." Poor Libby just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wonder if killing off those characters was a summary judgement on Cynthia Watros' and Michelle Rodriguez's DWI convictions. Also, anyone try to call the Hanso Foundation on that phone number 877-HANSORG? The line's been busy all frigging night!!!
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

OMG! The ending was really f*cked up. This can't be true. They won't just kill off Ana-Lucia like that. Libby maybe, but not Ana-Lucia. She has unfinished business with Jack coz of Jack's dad. Besides, he didn't kill Henry. He turned the gun at himself and shot, which just has to be a dream, coz next week is Michael-centric. Btw. What's the Hanso Foundation and what can you call them for?
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I just read the Aussiello report http://community.tvguide.com/forum.jspa?forumID=700000049 It's not a dream people. Ana-Lucia is definately dead, they aren't very clear on Libby though. And it has nothing to do with their DUI's. Man, this was really messed up!

EDIT: Srry I double posted. :(
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I was shocked too.
I knew they were gonna kill a couple of the "losties". I got my TV Guide for the week of May 8-14 yesterday and it has Kate and Sawyer on the front. It said Kate would find out that Sawyer and Ana slept together in the May 3rd episode. It said Ana would be seen again in the season finale in flashbacks, I guess with Jack's dad.

It also said they were supposed to show why the plane went down and all the hatch issues would be resolved so they could focus on other things next season. It also said the "losties" and "others" would clash.

I can get the exact quotes if anybody wants them. :)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I loved last night's eppy.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

That's the thing about this show..it is always 1 to 5 minutes over an hour.

Wonder why Michael shot Ana, Libby, and then himself? Did the others put him up to it? Did he shoot himself so he can make it look like Henry shot them? I think Henry is one of the others and they are wanting him dead before he talks.

I need to rewatch parts of the episode because I totally missed the phone number and the name.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Okay heres my thoughts
Okay I kind of new about Ana Lucia because I had heard from quite a few reliable sources that Michelle Rodriguez will do a Guest stint on CSI THAT however is for a different thread so I wont go there . The ep itself shocked me I'm a bit bummed about Libby since I shipped her and Hurley and I feel bad for him But I'm not to sad about Ana Lucia because I didnt like her much, As for Micheal I definetly think the Others brainwashed him Hence the reason for the Killing spree
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I would like a conclusion to the Hurley/Libby thing. On Hurley's flashback/psycho friend storyline at the end it showed him and he more or less made the guy up and at the very end it showed Libby sitting at another table. Why was she there? Did I miss something?

In last night's episode, Hurley told Libby something to the effect of that if he drank enough he might remember where he knew her from. Wonder if she actually was killed or just wounded by Michael? If she is dead, maybe Hurley will remember but it would be nice to know why she was locked up in there too.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Thats exactly How I feel I hope that
she isnt dead and that we do find out more about the Hurley and Libby knowing eachother from before story line