LOST # 2 ~ 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Re: LOST # 2

Holy crap, I know! I bet they're going to find him working with the others or something. I mean, he hasn't shown up for like, 6 episodes now!
I miss him! *probably the only one*
Re: LOST # 2

Lost series 2 starts in spring in England. When spring actually is...I don't know. I've been cheating. i got so impatient, i started reading the episode summaries on the Lost website!
Re: LOST # 2

I never was much of a Micheal fan but I do miss him I wonder if he found Walt or if the Others have him
I also wonder about Charlie I feel bad for him though
Re: LOST # 2

I was a huge Charlie fan in the first season, but now he gets so little screentime that I almost forget he exists sometimes :( . Same with Michael and Walt, too... they've been totally neglected for so long now! It's been weeks since they've even been mentioned it seems...
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

During the first half of the season I really liked Charlie, I still do, but now I prefer Sawyer a lot more. :)

By the way, on Channel 4 this morning they mentioned season 2 of 'Lost' but failed to mention the date, it was more like a 'Coming soon' advert. *gets very excited* :lol:

Psst - May I draw your attention to the new thread title! ;)
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

:lol: I love it. "We don't wanna be Rescued"

Ah, other than Sawyer and Kate, Mr. Eko is moving very fast up my 'favourites' list. He's so sweet :D
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

It probably has been mentioned already, but to answer the question; he will be returning to the beach during May sweeps.

Who do you hope will die, and who do you think will die? I hope Charlie will be brutally murdered (sorry, but I really hate him with a passion. I think Charlie, Hurley or Sayid will be axed.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I don't think anyone should die. They're all fine.

Besides, according to the article in my paper this morning, they say LOST is turning into Twin Peaks. This whole thing about how the writers are focusing on the entirity of the hidden things that the viewers look for instead of the character backgrounds. Which is what makes a good show is the correct balance between character revealing and backgrounds.
Too much of one and you lose the viewers intrest.
It actually takes someone quite brilliant to reveal things in a way that will truly make the audience be suprised and satisfied. I mean, that black cloud as the monster? A lot of people complained because they built it up as something great.

It's gotta be hard for the writers. I mean, I think they should really get on answering some people's questions so they keep the viewer satisfied because you can't drag it out forever.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

CSI007WW Those three and Michael are my favs! I think if they were to be killed off, I would stop watching the show!
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

I would be very surprised if they killed off Charlie, I think he is a very popular character for the majority of viewers, I also feel the same way about Hurley. It better not be Sawyer! :lol: :eek:
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Tinkerbell said:
It better not be Sawyer! :lol: :eek:

If they even think about killing him off, they will have me to deal with. Personally :mad:


Well, I guess they can't be killing off too many of the main characters (whoever goes in the end), otherwise there won't be anyone left :lol: I hope it's not Hurley either - he's a sweetie :D
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Well TPTB have always said that no one is safe from death.
Re: LOST#2: 'We Don't Wanna Be Rescued!'

Yeah, you're right - no one is. And TPTB can (sometimes unfortunately *cough* erm *cough* Ann Donahue, CSI Miami *cough* erm...*cough*) do what they like with the characters in their show. But I know one thing, and that's I will be having to wait longer than most people to find out which ones end up getting axed from the show, along with the rest of the UK viewers :( And I'm trying to avoid season 2 spoilers if I can.