Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Thank you for the link PerfectAnomaly. Great clip. He sure is cute and adorable. And nice how he offers the seat next to him...
Springmoon said:
Nice clip, but did they really have to include the horrible hat photo? :lol:

It's some secret tactic by a certain blue-eyed co-star of his, I tell you. :p :lol: That hat scares away everyone else!

Heh, the video isn't loading for me.

Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! :D :D :D (At least, it is on my side of the world.)
^ Thank you so much, WhosLaughingNow! :D I appreciate it!

P.S. He sure gets squinty-eyed sometimes, doesn't he? :lol: And the bit where he looks at the woman jogging past is so funny. :lol:
All you guys r great! I dont know why I even bother looking for the actual show. Thanx PerfectAnomaly & WhoslaughingNow :)
I got a bubble burster from that clip.

It seems he only dates women who can afford to buy a blackberry, but not use it while on their date. :p :p :p Pshaw.
Thanks for the clip, PerfectAnamoly and WhosLaughingNow! :D

Wow, I knew Carmine had Italian and Norwegian ancestry, I had no idea he's got British and Native American blood mixed in there as well. Interesting to know. :D

Carmine Giovanazzo, 34, plays the calm and collected Danny Messler on CSI: NY, but in real life he's a jack of trades and as sizzling as they come.

I totally agree with that he's sizzling hot, but notice that they mis-spelled "Messer". Hmph. Also, Danny doesn't strike me as "calm and collected". :rolleyes: Who on earth wrote that blurb?

Hey, he's wearing his Ceesau T-shirt. And I felt that it was a little weird, the way the voiceover lady pronounced "Giovinazzo". Maybe it's just me. :p

Heehee, he was totally checking out the woman that jogged past him! :devil:

A note to Carmine: I don't own a BlackBerry. :D :D :D
Wow, I knew Carmine had Italian and Norwegian ancestry, I had no idea he's got British and Native American blood mixed in there as well. Interesting to know.
Yeah, me too. I had to update his WikiPedia page when I found that out. :)
Since when is Danny "calm and collected"? :lol: :lol: :lol:

But that was very cute. "Sweet and smart and different"? That's kind of vague, but I imagine it's weird to be asked on the spot what you're looking for in another person when you know it's going to end up on something that's broadcast to the entire country, and beyond.
:lol: I know, I had a pretty good laugh over the Danny being calm and collected thing too. I was like, "Are we watching the same show here?" :confused:

What was really funny was they were asking him what he likes and a girl ran by wearing the tanktop and shorts and he goes, "Oh, I like a girl in a tanktop and shorts.", all with a big ass smile on his face. :lol: He's too funny sometimes.
^ It was so cute when he said that. Carmine really does have a short attention span, huh? :lol:

I was like, "Are we watching the same show here?"
I was thinking the same thing. :lol: :lol: Did they mistake Danny for Flack, perhaps? :rolleyes:

I was wondering why Eddie wasn't on Eligible Bachelors list, since Carmine and AJ were on there, and then it suddenly dawned on me that Eddie's already attached. D'oh. Must be having a brain fart. :p
AJ was on there? That's strange, he's supposedly attached to an Australian actress who's moving to LA. :lol: Uh oh!

The misspelling of Danny Messer is a big no-no. That is just plain bad editing (or whatever ya call it) right there. :eek: Don't they check these kinds of things before they air their show?! And really, who is this calm and collected Danny? Does Danny have a twin brother we don't know about? :p
I was also disappointed that the voice-over girl did more talking then Carmine did. I hate it when they don't let the people speak for themselves.
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