Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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It's interesting isn't it that Danny/Carmine's glorious exposure of flesh has been met with a muted response here - if one compares our reaction with the outbreak of mass hysteria and drooling that accompanied his scene in Mrs Azreal. It seems that the sensational sight of Danny/Carmine's naked top half has been compromised by the setting into which it is placed and discussion has focussed instead on the problems of his relationship with Rikki.

It seems as though our appreciation of Danny as 'hot sex object' has been affected by this scene and we either feel guilty or awkward for viewing him this way in this particular context. In the general spoiler thread (at least I think it was) someone commented that they actually found this scene to be hot to which, eventually, others agreed although they clearly felt reluctant to admit it, as though finding disloyalty and betrayal sexually exciting was somehow distasteful (BTW I don't believe Danny was guilty of either but I know many do...). Whatever the reasons the context of the scene has clearly affected our response to Danny's nakedness.

Poor Carmine. He gets his kit off off for us as we've wanted and gets a damp squib in return. Let's hope he doesn't develop a complex... :lol:

Interesting point...I did notice most people didn't rave about his shirtlessness, whether they liked the fact that he hooked up with Rikki or not. I think there's a lot of other things to talk about--and not that the drooling isn't fun, but I prefer a meatier discussion--but I also think there's more to it in that.

I can't speak for anyone else, but to me, Danny seemed more vulnerable in that scene than sexy. I got the feeling he was so trying to anything he could to make it up Rikki--even as he knew there was no way he could--that I was more focused on his emotional state than how he lookedu physically. I also thought--and this could be the fact that his hair's longer--he looked younger and again, more vulnerable.

I liked the scene a lot, but I also liked that I wasn't focused on how he looked physically in it.
Wow! Did we manage to overcome our shallowness?

Many things happened with Danny that are worth to talk about, and I bet that we will talk about it for a looooong time

ETA: The man certainly doesn't look as 35 year old guy with the longer hair. I remember Can you Hear Me Now when he looked older than my dad (he's 43)
I liked the scene a lot, but I also liked that I wasn't focused on how he looked physically in it.

As Dawni said, the storyline itself was so engrossing that any visual delights were secondary which says something for the power of the couple's acting. Focussing on Danny as mere sex object would have indicated a failure on Carmine's part to communicate the powerful emotion and pathos of the scene but the very fact that it was ther relationship rather than the nakedness that drew comment is certainly testament to his acting skills.

However....screencaps are a different matter :drool: :lol:
I think its the love of watching it for the 2nd time when you know whats happening so you're less focused on it you can let your mind wander... mine sure did.:lol:
It wandered to how sexy he looked and the longer hair certainly does make him look hotter and then how amazingly nice his apartment looked and i want to live there.

Its funny how its taken a week before we've all gone wow he looked good... though surely thats a good thing that we are paying attention.
Carmine and Jacqueline both put in really good performances in that episode and yeah, I don't want to take away from that with shallowness. I think it's great that people were discussing other stuff first. But I think there is a little room for letting one's mind wander...
Well, I fully admit that I took in the view when watching the episode the first time (and the second time, for that matter :p)--I enjoyed the content and the bod simultaneously, but when it came to posting on here, it was the discussion that drew me first (and gave me more to say, certainly), rather than the man pretty. ;)

Carmine is still a lovely specimen of manhood. :lol:
Well, I fully admit that I took in the view when watching the episode the first time (and the second time, for that matter :p)--I enjoyed the content and the bod simultaneously, but when it came to posting on here, it was the discussion that drew me first (and gave me more to say, certainly), rather than the man pretty. ;)

Carmine is still a lovely specimen of manhood. :lol:

I took in the view the first time, mainly because I watched at stupid o'clock AM and there were no subtitles available at that time. I did attempt to enjoy both the view and the content at the same time, but struggled with that - and not because of the bod.

As to the board, it was definitely the discussion that drew me in more. I enjoy meaty discussion regarding episodes...
Thanks for the screencaps, I'm totally kicking myself for missing this episode. We had a power outage earlier in the day and I forgot that I needed to turn the cable back on my vcr, so I ended up taping static instead. Of all the episodes to miss too.
Thanks for the screencaps, I'm totally kicking myself for missing this episode. We had a power outage earlier in the day and I forgot that I needed to turn the cable back on my vcr, so I ended up taping static instead. Of all the episodes to miss too.

You're welcome. Shame you missed the episode though - it was a good one. Maybe you could get it from those 'other' sources and watch...:)
Before I say anything else, I want to give a big round of applause to althea and if I could even some money for the smartest thing I have read today
'Blessed union of stupidity'
Honey, if I knew how to find you I'd give you chocolate, beer and money :D

:lol::lol: I never ever say no to chocolate or beer:lol: Send to South Africa:lol:

I can't wait for this season's DVD release especially so because its been a really good season for Carmine/Danny as far as storylines is concerned. I know we all wanted to see more angsty Danny drama and we got it. I will probably end up watching Child's Play until my DVD player spits it out and refuses to play it. :lol:

Carmine and Jacqueline both put in really good performances in that episode and yeah, I don't want to take away from that with shallowness

Agreed they've been outstanding together I really do hope we get to see more of her in the next season, in whatever capacity a romantic interest or just a friend I don't know but there interactions on screen has been captivating.
Ooh, I hope they have Carmine do the audio commentary for "Child's Play" (and maybe with Eddie for "All in the Family"--hey, a girl can hope :p)...
^^ I was thinking the same thing for the All in the Family episode we can have Eddie & Carmine together.:) We should make up a petition and send it to TPTB. I would love to hear what they have to say about the scene right at the end with just the two of them at the door with Danny ready to leave and Carmine delivering that now infamous one line, the "How can I do that..." line. Come on CBS give us commentary!
^^ Carmine and Eddie doing commentary together would be funny. You know they'd just end up rambling about random stuff rather than the ep. And there would be some crazy antics... :D

It's been my observation that TV show DVDs having commentaries is becoming a little less common than it used to be, and cast members doing them is quite rare. A shame, because the cast commentaries on any show are usually amusing.
As much as we'd love them to do a commentary, we know that there is a small chance for that to happen. Christ! I've missed the last 2 episodes of NY (I am waiting for youtube to spit something out so I can see parts of it)! *sigh*
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