Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Alright, I finally watched the episode. After reading everyone's comments about his performance in both this thread and the cheating poll thread, I decided I could focus on him as much as his performance, both were great, by the way. I was quite impressed by this episode.
Was there any Danny/ Lindsay stuff in last night's episode? Anything that shows how it could possibly go on with them?
^Check the episode review thread, or the Danny/Lindsay shipper thread. There are details there. 8) I think everything is still up to interpretation right now and there's plenty of it in both of those threads.

I'd love to see a Carmine/Eddie commentary on "All in the Family." I think those two would be hilarious together. I bet they'd crack jokes through all of it, except when Danny was really sad on screen.
Here's a blog post from Ceesau's MySpace page for anyone who doesn't read the Ceesau thread:

Friday, April 18, 2008


Carmine is the in studio guest on Loveline
w/ Dr. Drew Pinsky

Tuesday, April 22nd at 10pm!!

Listen LIVE locally on 106.7 KROQ
or Visit:
for streaming and Station Listings!!!
Have a question for carmine?



Hopefully he won't be giving relationship and sex advice in character as Danny. :guffaw:
Hi all, for all the people who didn't manage to get the new CSI magazine with Carmine in it, that was posted about 12 pages ago, they're available now on ebay. Bought mine today.
Hi all, for all the people who didn't manage to get the new CSI magazine with Carmine in it, that was posted about 12 pages ago, they're available now on ebay. Bought mine today.

Hmmmm, that gives me an idea - because my local newsagent has a few on the shelf, and there's a good chance I bought the only one they'll sell... *whistle*
Here's a blog post from Ceesau's MySpace page for anyone who doesn't read the Ceesau thread:

Friday, April 18, 2008


Carmine is the in studio guest on Loveline
w/ Dr. Drew Pinsky

Tuesday, April 22nd at 10pm!!

Listen LIVE locally on 106.7 KROQ
or Visit:
for streaming and Station Listings!!!
Have a question for carmine?



Hopefully he won't be giving relationship and sex advice in character as Danny. :guffaw:

ROTFLMAO!!!!! :guffaw:

Danny: "The answer is always to put out. If you lose a game of pool and can't pay up, put out! if you're responsible for a woman's kid dying, by all means, offer her sex!"

Yeah, relationship and sex advice from Danny...maybe not so great. :lol:
^ LMFAO!!! :guffaw:

Danny definitely shouldn't quit his day job...though suddenly I have an urge to write a whole raft of 'Dear Danny' agony uncle scenarios... :lol:
Yeah I imagine Danny giving love advice:
"You can have sex with a coworker, but only if you owe some money to that person, but be careful, no one has to know. And if a kid dies because of you, sex is a good medicine for the kid's mom". Yeah, Dr. Phil would be out of business if Docta Messer comes in the picture.
10pm in LA thats 6am here in the normally I avoid early mornings, but I think I might make an exception this time. Carmine talking about sex - it's going to be interesting.

Who is sending in questions??:p
^ The fact that it's 06:00 is slightly less of a bitch for me, since I'll probably still be up watching the Yankees lose to the White Sox. The way they've been playing lately, I'm almost tempted to join Carmine in supporting the Mets.

I could send a question in. "Hey Carmine, want to help me end the dry spell in my love life?" :p :lol:
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