Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Hell yes. I love the double standard where she thinks she's due explanation from Danny for not wanting to go to lunch, yet she fobbed him off when she didn't turn up to their date and then failed to as much as call him. And now she's trying to make him feel guilty for not wanting to spend time with her...? :eek: Okay...

She's due an explanation because Danny is boy and she is a girl and he has to be all gentleman with her and take all the blame. [/sarcasm]

Really Danny seems to be irked by her behavior lately, and I think that he kind of sees the end of the rope right there :D

I think that "the talk" that will soon happen between them can go two ways:
1. Danny apologizes for what he has done and tries to make Lindsay feel better (because in the end that is that counts :rolleyes:) an probably out of guilt he'll trey and make it work with her.
2. Danny doesn't apologize, Danny explains Lindsay that he needs to deal with his s*it and can't be in a relationship with her (but I know that is on the SciFi side of the story)
She's due an explanation because Danny is boy and she is a girl and he has to be all gentleman with her and take all the blame. [/sarcasm]

Ah yes, I forgot. Animal Farm mentality. All people are equal, but some more equal than others. ;)

Really Danny seems to be irked by her behavior lately, and I think that he kind of sees the end of the rope right there :D

I could say something cruel about the end of the rope actually...but I shall keep my mouth shut. I'm sure I'm not the only person thinking it though. :D

I think that "the talk" that will soon happen between them can go two ways:
1. Danny apologizes for what he has done and tries to make Lindsay feel better (because in the end that is that counts :rolleyes:) an probably out of guilt he'll trey and make it work with her.
2. Danny doesn't apologize, Danny explains Lindsay that he needs to deal with his s*it and can't be in a relationship with her (but I know that is on the SciFi side of the story)

For the love of anything and everything holy, PLEASE NOT #1! Though yeah, #2 might happen if the Sci-Fi channel pick up CSI:NY for S5...

I'm kinda hoping that it'll just fizzle out without turning the show into a soap opera and the stuff between them turning into a massive lab-wide issue...
I'm kinda hoping that it'll just fizzle out without turning the show into a soap opera and the stuff between them turning into a massive lab-wide issue...

I think that you may have spotted something there. Lindsay started to get all annoyed at work. When Danny walked in the lab she changed her tone of voice and only looked at Stella, and Danny saw it. And the moments of all moments the order she ignored from Mac to brief Danny. And the way that she did it in front of Hawkes (I was thinking poor Hawkes, what did he do to deserve that?). And the "moment" between them in the lab. Before Right Next Door aired, many thought that the moment is for smooches but now, I think that Danny is saying something that clearly does not appeal to her taste, gets angry and she leaves evidence unattended. More, I think that Mac scolding Lindsay instead of Danny is perfect.

And it will not fizzle out. I am sure of that. As far as we know we are subjected to three more episodes of playing "he loves me, he loves me not" (after the game of "will they or won't they" ended we needed a new one :wtf:). I am curious to see Danny's reactions especially after the face he pulled after the Monologue of Doom. (we need a screencap of that face, for the remembrance wall)
I think that you may have spotted something there. Lindsay started to get all annoyed at work. When Danny walked in the lab she changed her tone of voice and only looked at Stella, and Danny saw it. And the moments of all moments the order she ignored from Mac to brief Danny. And the way that she did it in front of Hawkes (I was thinking poor Hawkes, what did he do to deserve that?). And the "moment" between them in the lab. Before Right Next Door aired, many thought that the moment is for smooches but now, I think that Danny is saying something that clearly does not appeal to her taste, gets angry and she leaves evidence unattended. More, I think that Mac scolding Lindsay instead of Danny is perfect.

There was so much unprofessional behaviour on her part in this episode. The thing with Sheldon - you can tell that he doesn't know where to put himself so he just starts explaining all the stuff to Danny, like Lindsay was supposed to before she went off in a huff. The way she behaves in front of Stella is equally as bad - not addressing the person who is speaking to you.

I'd heard the spoiler about the evidence in 'Like Water For Murder'. I've kinda wondered if that is because Danny says something she doesn't like - we can't dare hope that he dumps her, can we? - and she just walks off. Lindsay is due a scolding - Danny and Sheldon have both had their turns at getting told off by Papa-CSI.

And it will not fizzle out. I am sure of that. As far as we know we are subjected to three more episodes of playing "he loves me, he loves me not" (after the game of "will they or won't they" ended we needed a new one :wtf:). I am curious to see Danny's reactions especially after the face he pulled after the Monologue of Doom. (we need a screencap of that face, for the remembrance wall)

Three more episodes of it I can deal with. But to be honest, I'm hoping the 'romance' doesn't follow on into S5.
As to the screencap - preferably in HD. :D Along with the nekkidness. I mean, it's there, so I might as well have some nice imagery from it. :D:D:D
Three more episodes of it I can deal with. But to be honest, I'm hoping the 'romance' doesn't follow on into S5.

I'm with you on that one I hope this dead horse called DL what ever the hell will just get buried already. It was a farce from day one, don't know what the writers were thinking when they put these two characters together because of supposed chemistry!:scream: What chemistry! And poor Carmine got stuck with all this nonsense teenage angsty storylines :rolleyes: A good actor like Carmine just did not deserve any of that. I know it can still go either way with these two but for the love of god please just put an end to this nonsense TPTB for the sake of my sanity and my TV that I am going to throw something at one of these days. And besides it will be better if Lindsay and Danny are separated so they can go off on their own and have their characters explored as individuals instead of being part of this blessed union of stupidity.
^"Blessed union of stupidity"--oh, that so sums up the Danny/Lindsay "romance" so perfectly! :lol: :lol: :lol:

The double-standard thing is annoying. It's annoying when it works against women, and it's annoying when it works against men. In this case, Danny is being turned into the bad guy because he's the guy and he's being a bad boyfriend by...what? Not reading Lindsay's mind that she wants him to confide in her? :rolleyes:

I think Danny turned to Rikki because of the obvious thing they share: their grief over Ruben. But I think he also turned to her because she's someone he can communicate openly and honestly with. There are no games going on between Danny and Rikki--what's happening is what it is, and neither is trying to make the other guess at what's going on or what's being felt.
althea said:
And besides it will be better if Lindsay and Danny are separated so they can go off on their own and have their characters explored as individuals instead of being part of this blessed union of stupidity.

'Blessed union of stupidity'...:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Yes and YES. A whole world of WORD. Though to be honest, there are other characters in the show I'd like to see explored more than Lindsay...

Top41 said:
In this case, Danny is being turned into the bad guy because he's the guy and he's being a bad boyfriend by...what?

It would seem to me that he's plain and simply being hung out for being a guy. Men are not exactly known for the ability to communicate how they are feeling. He's just being your average guy...I'm wondering what is so bad about that. I guess it explains a lot of the indignation about how he's behaved, because most of that is coming from women who can't grasp the concept that men are wired differently and just do not talk about things like we do.

Top41 said:
There are no games going on between Danny and Rikki--what's happening is what it is, and neither is trying to make the other guess at what's going on or what's being felt.

Precisely. They've pretty much both acknowledged that it is just comfort sex. There's no bulls**t about it. It's just plain and simple, and I think that is just about what Danny can deal with on a personal level at the moment. Which might explain why he's shutting the complicated manipulator out.
Its funny I was thinking about the whole thing on the way home on the train from uni and I managed to get the ny magazine so had read that and the one thing i like about Danny and one thing that made me go he didn't cheay for me is that he doesn't go by the book per se, he does what he thinks is right and what his insticts tell him even if it means making it worse to make it better.

I like the fact he isn't like Mac and hides everything he does the opposite and shows all his colours. It was one of those moments when i wanted to talk to someone about it then realise your sat on a train.
I think for Danny, there really is no book. He really does just go on pure instinct much of the time, no matter how many times he's proven wrong or it comes back to bite him in the ass. He really does do everything with feeling and heart and just goes with his gut and believes what he's doing is right. Danny is all instinct and feeling, whereas someone like Mac thinks things through much more and can usually take a step back and be more clinical about it. I don't think Danny ever intends to hurt anyone with his actions--he's too good-natured for that. That's a big part of the reason I like him.
It's interesting isn't it that Danny/Carmine's glorious exposure of flesh has been met with a muted response here - if one compares our reaction with the outbreak of mass hysteria and drooling that accompanied his scene in Mrs Azreal. It seems that the sensational sight of Danny/Carmine's naked top half has been compromised by the setting into which it is placed and discussion has focussed instead on the problems of his relationship with Rikki.

It seems as though our appreciation of Danny as 'hot sex object' has been affected by this scene and we either feel guilty or awkward for viewing him this way in this particular context. In the general spoiler thread (at least I think it was) someone commented that they actually found this scene to be hot to which, eventually, others agreed although they clearly felt reluctant to admit it, as though finding disloyalty and betrayal sexually exciting was somehow distasteful (BTW I don't believe Danny was guilty of either but I know many do...). Whatever the reasons the context of the scene has clearly affected our response to Danny's nakedness.

Poor Carmine. He gets his kit off off for us as we've wanted and gets a damp squib in return. Let's hope he doesn't develop a complex... :lol:
Poor Carmine. He gets his kit off off for us as we've wanted and gets a damp squib in return. Let's hope he doesn't develop a complex... :lol:

I can't speak for anyone else, but I have no problems at all admitting I found the exposure of flesh to be HAWT. And that I made a ridiculous number of screencaps of that. *whistles* I should probably do something with those...:lol:
Before I say anything else, I want to give a big round of applause to althea and if I could even some money for the smartest thing I have read today
'Blessed union of stupidity'
Honey, if I knew how to find you I'd give you chocolate, beer and money :D

Carrying on, I agree. It was a waste of shirtlessness. :lol: But a good fangirl, has screencaps :blush:
I found first time i watched it I was more interested in the story and the whole Rikki's there interesting.
2nd time round I was giggling like a school girl going "he's topless" I was able to spend more time admiring and telling my friend not to bother me while i stare at half nakedness.
Oh my, oh my, those are fairly bloody sensational origin-nknwn, especially the second one where his trousers seem to be hanging just that little bit lower and you can see the trail of fluff leading down from his tummy button.

*fans self furiously* Good lord, it's hot in here all of a sudden. I think I need to go and lie down.....
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