Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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That silver thing is not the tool used by the geriatric community to open jars, it's a coffee maker! Note the silver carafe right next to it. :lol:

My opinion of Danny hasn't really changed since Wednesday. I think he feels guilty and in some kind of way is trying to make everything ok with Ruben's mother again. I don't think he loves her and I don't really see it going any further with her because eventually one of them will wake up and smell the coffee with what they're emotionally doing to each other.

Lindsay's actions towards him are that of a typical girl, I think. He has shown some emotion towards her, led her to believe that he cares about her and we've been lead to think that they've had sex. While I don't believe that he's cheated on her, because they've never really made it official, I do believe that he owes her some sort of explanation of what's going on with him because they obviously care for each other, and it seems he's been a little shady and even sneaky. I don't blame her one bit for wanting to know what's up. He doesn't NEED to, but if they're going to have to work together, he needs to make things right with her. Not like, have sex and try to be with her again, but patch things up so it feels normal and things aren't strained.

Ugh. Women make this show so damn hard. Whatever happened to the 'NO ROMANCE ON CSI!" clause?! I thought this show was supposed to be about the science! Messer doesn't need two girls to further his delinquency.
Not quite off topic, but around it :D : Was it just me or when Danny walked into the lab with Stella to find Lindsay who was giving some pollen theory or whatever, Danny / Carmine was walking funny? As if he had a sprained ankle or something?

Right now on topic: Not, my opinion on Danny hasn't changed at all. I loved Danny since the first episode I've seen (that happened to be On the Job) and I love him right now. The situation is complicated, messy, people might get hurt, but isn't this how real life works? And we all know that Danny is the most real character on the show.
Here's a a piece of the review:

In pure childish fashion, Lindsay dramatically tells Danny she's "fallen in love with him" and that she has to find a way to "let that go." The scene, which would have benefitted from something other than Anna Belknap's flat, monotone delivery, ultimately comes off as one of miscommunication: Lindsay insists Danny not paint her as a "shallow, clingy girlfriend" but it's clear from Danny's reaction that he never thought of her as a girlfriend at all. Carmine Giovinazohas done a fine job of conveying Danny's hurt over Ruben's death over the last few episodes, and he does a great job of getting across Danny's bafflement and surprise at Lindsay's behavior here. Danny clearly doesn't feel any guilt until Lindsay calls him to the carpet because he didn't view their relationship in the same way she did. Now that he knows she's in love with him, it's anyone's guess what he'll do next.

Personaly, I agree with this statement, we were all quick to judge

But there is more than one factor to consider here - and clearly two wrongs

don't make a right.

Clearly he didn't consider her his girlfriend.......technically you can't cheat on someone you really "weren't" in a relationship with.

2nd..........Although all this makes him the most hated guy........I actually feel sorry for the guy.........
^I think, going off Danny's reactions in the episode, he seemed confused and genuinely puzzled by her reactions. I know some think he lied to her on the phone, and I guess he technically did, but I don't think he did it thinking, "I should hide what's going on because Lindsay is my girlfriend." I think he suspected she'd be pissed about Rikki and had no desire to enlighten her, but I don't think he actually thought he was betraying her.

I rewatched the scenes and caught a very angry undertone in Danny's voice when he asked Lindsay, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" His voice was almost...cruel. I was trying to figure out if he'd reached the end of his rope with her and was just frustrated or if he was deliberately trying to hurt her/goad her into saying something. What do you guys think?

Not quite off topic, but around it :D : Was it just me or when Danny walked into the lab with Stella to find Lindsay who was giving some pollen theory or whatever, Danny / Carmine was walking funny? As if he had a sprained ankle or something?

Clearly Flack heard the Messer Whorehouse was open for business and took his turn. ;) :devil:
Not quite off topic, but around it :D : Was it just me or when Danny walked into the lab with Stella to find Lindsay who was giving some pollen theory or whatever, Danny / Carmine was walking funny? As if he had a sprained ankle or something?

Clearly Flack heard the Messer Whorehouse was open for business and took his turn. ;) :devil:


Ah crap...I think my neighbours heard me laughing my ass off at that. Yet another reason I should not browse the internet from my bed on the laptop...

*awaits banging on the wall*
Not quite off topic, but around it :D : Was it just me or when Danny walked into the lab with Stella to find Lindsay who was giving some pollen theory or whatever, Danny / Carmine was walking funny? As if he had a sprained ankle or something?

Clearly Flack heard the Messer Whorehouse was open for business and took his turn. ;) :devil:

Oh, that's hilarious! :guffaw:

But answering miss_blue question, yes, he was limping a bit. I thought it was result of him jumping up the van to tackle the "crazy bitch/kids-stealer".

Did you also noticed that Lindsay didn't look at his face until he called her name to say he was sorry and they needed to talk? Even when he questioned about the case, she answered looking at Stella...

^I rewatched the scenes and caught a very angry undertone in Danny's voice when he asked Lindsay, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" His voice was almost...cruel. I was trying to figure out if he'd reached the end of his rope with her and was just frustrated or if he was deliberately trying to hurt her/goad her into saying something. What do you guys think?

As I said before in another thread, patience has a limit and, for me, he reached it. Maybe he would be a bit more patient in another lifetime but, right now, he's living a personal nightmare. Having to deal with a tantrum for not going to lunch with someone - when he has bigger problems in his mind - must have pissed him off.
It kinda looked to me like he was trying to do the pimp walk when he entered the lab in that scene. :lol:

lookaboomerang said:

That silver thing is not the tool used by the geriatric community to open jars, it's a coffee maker! Note the silver carafe right next to it.
Psh, whatever. If it's not a gadget from an infomercial, I haven't got a clue. :p (OMGIwantaMagicBullet!)

Top41 said:

Clearly Flack heard the Messer Whorehouse was open for business and took his turn.
:devil: Sweet.

I rewatched the scenes and caught a very angry undertone in Danny's voice when he asked Lindsay, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" His voice was almost...cruel. I was trying to figure out if he'd reached the end of his rope with her and was just frustrated or if he was deliberately trying to hurt her/goad her into saying something. What do you guys think?
I would say frustration. When he answered the phone at the beginning and she had to ask him 'what's wrong', it struck close to home--I hate when someone's always gotta ask me what's wrong, even when nothing is wrong, because then it just frustrates and annoys me. Usually it's my mother. If she doesn't like the tone I use to answer a question (even if I'm unaware that I'm using the wrong tone), something must be wrong. The conversation usually goes like this:

Mom: What's wrong?
Me: Nothing, why?
Mom: Well, you sound like something's wrong.
Me: Well, nothing is wrong.
Mom: It sounds like something's wrong.
Me: *starting to get frustrated* Nothing's wrong. Why does something always have to be wrong?

Granted, the conversation between Danny and Lindsay wasn't that long or drawn out, but it immediately made me think of when my mom wants to ask me what's wrong--it's annoying as hell, especially when she won't take 'nothing' for an answer and tries to dig. So from my personal experience, I got the feeling that Lindsay probably does a lot of that, asking him what's wrong and just generally prying when he doesn't want her to. And then for her to be in a snit when he obviously doesn't want to deal with it--it's frustrating. It's not nice to ask her wtf her deal is, but it's understandable. He's gotta be wondering why in the hell she is making things so difficult. He and Rikki are having no trouble communicating, but here Lindsay is, sighing and pouting and making what seems like a big deal out of what he assumes to be nothing major.

Whether it's fair to Lindsay or not, I would guess he'd just rather not deal with her right now. *shrug*
Danny should have been annoyed throughout the whole episode. The attitude Lindsay was giving him the whole time even at the work place in front of Hawkes (who was more than amazed by her reaction) and Stella is not good. The guy maintained a level of decency that not many could have pulled off (I know I couldn't).
Whether it's fair to Lindsay or not, I would guess he'd just rather not deal with her right now.
Very true. People don't always do the fair things, and the way that she treated him lately, I understand if he wanted to keep away. He started showing the first signs that he is irritated by her.
Can I go slightly off topic and ask a question? There was a video of Danny and his beautiful New York accent on YouTube, I think it was called 'New Yawk Stata Mind', but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone have a link?(or even know what I am on about?) Thanks.
Can I go slightly off topic and ask a question? There was a video of Danny and his beautiful New York accent on YouTube, I think it was called 'New Yawk Stata Mind', but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone have a link?(or even know what I am on about?) Thanks.

Looks like CBS took it off. It used to be on the official site as well but now is not there. I wonder why... It's the only one missing.
I pray to God that it doesn't have anything to do with Danny's supposed cheating. If it's true then someone should put an end to this situation and clarify everything before the whole thing gets "sleight out of hand"
Granted, the conversation between Danny and Lindsay wasn't that long or drawn out, but it immediately made me think of when my mom wants to ask me what's wrong--it's annoying as hell, especially when she won't take 'nothing' for an answer and tries to dig. So from my personal experience, I got the feeling that Lindsay probably does a lot of that, asking him what's wrong and just generally prying when he doesn't want her to. And then for her to be in a snit when he obviously doesn't want to deal with it--it's frustrating. It's not nice to ask her wtf her deal is, but it's understandable. He's gotta be wondering why in the hell she is making things so difficult. He and Rikki are having no trouble communicating, but here Lindsay is, sighing and pouting and making what seems like a big deal out of what he assumes to be nothing major.

I also couldn't understand when she asked if something was wrong when she called him--all it took was him saying he couldn't go to lunch, and nothing in his tone suggested that something was wrong....the fact that she tried to pry and figure out exactly what he was doing is only further evidence to me that she DOESN'T understand him, DOESN'T have any real emotional connection to him. If she is his supposed girlfriend, which i really dont see any evidence for, she shouldn't have to pry into every conversation and his business to get how he's feeling.

I don't blame him for getting annoyed at her for asking...and alright, I can understand her wondering as to why he'd be annoyed with her asking (like I said before, I dont think she understands him well enough to know WHY he'd be annoyed...), but even if that did put her off a bit, acting the way she did doesn't match the "transgression" that she's supposed to be infuriated at Danny about.

Whether it's fair to Lindsay or not, I would guess he'd just rather not deal with her right now. *shrug*

That's what i thought too. Even in her monologue scene, the way he reacts to her says to me that he's just wondering why the hell she's talking to him about this now, and how much he'd rather be somewhere else. I don't see him as feeling guilty and trying to escape her wrath, but simply thinking "ugh when is she gonna be done with this and grow up?"
^I think, going off Danny's reactions in the episode, he seemed confused and genuinely puzzled by her reactions. I know some think he lied to her on the phone, and I guess he technically did, but I don't think he did it thinking, "I should hide what's going on because Lindsay is my girlfriend." I think he suspected she'd be pissed about Rikki and had no desire to enlighten her, but I don't think he actually thought he was betraying her.

I rewatched the scenes and caught a very angry undertone in Danny's voice when he asked Lindsay, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" His voice was almost...cruel. I was trying to figure out if he'd reached the end of his rope with her and was just frustrated or if he was deliberately trying to hurt her/goad her into saying something. What do you guys think?

I agree! When Lindsay says her "shallow, clingy girlfriend" line, Danny is clearly surprised. Its like she being his girlfriend is news to him. Knowing what Lindsay said to Mac abt not being good with "this kind of thing", maybe she wasnt able to be there for him the way he wld have appreciated. In his own way he's trying to handle the situation in a way that might make it more bearable for him. In that context, I'd say that by making excuses not to have lunch with her, he's just trying to avoid angsty lindsay. (Can anyone blame him for that? ;)).

As for the line, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" , it makes me think of the number of times he was there for her or tried to be there for her & she rebuffed him everytime. Then why make such a big deal of it if he's doing the rebuffing? I think its time she got a taste of her own medicine. :thumbsup:
As for the line, "Why do you gotta make such a big deal of it?" , it makes me think of the number of times he was there for her or tried to be there for her & she rebuffed him everytime. Then why make such a big deal of it if he's doing the rebuffing? I think its time she got a taste of her own medicine. :thumbsup:

No kidding. Every time she turned him down for something, he took it graciously and didn't try to make her feel guilty about it. The way he said that line made it sound like he's reached the end of his rope with her. One can only hope...
No kidding. Every time she turned him down for something, he took it graciously and didn't try to make her feel guilty about it. The way he said that line made it sound like he's reached the end of his rope with her. One can only hope...

Hell yes. I love the double standard where she thinks she's due explanation from Danny for not wanting to go to lunch, yet she fobbed him off when she didn't turn up to their date and then failed to as much as call him. And now she's trying to make him feel guilty for not wanting to spend time with her...? :eek: Okay...

I just want this whole arc with their 'romance' to be over. As someone said to me, the sort of thing that might happen in real life, but really not that entertaining...
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