Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Is that silver thing one of those jar openers for people who, uh, can't open jars? Danny, darling, you don't need gadgets. :p

I would never have pegged Danny as a masterchef.... :lol:
Well, we know he said he could bake, so maybe he can cook as well--perhaps that's why he needs to remember steak side dishes. :lol:
Is that silver thing one of those jar openers for people who, uh, can't open jars? Danny, darling, you don't need gadgets. :p

But he's a science geek. Science geeks love them some gadgets.

I would never have pegged Danny as a masterchef.... :lol:
Well, we know he said he could bake, so maybe he can cook as well--perhaps that's why he needs to remember steak side dishes. :lol:

Maybe he hasn't been avoiding Lindsay. Maybe he's taken on a second job to keep himself busy. Or maybe Rikki really likes steak dinners. [insert your own beef joke here. Insert -heh.]:guffaw:
I can't believe that you look at pics of shirtless Danny and focus on the kitchen's stuff instead, something is wrong with all of you...:lol:

*yummy caps Elsie* :drool:
The topless shots definately woke me up from my hazey state... came on the screen i was suddenly smiling happily that my spoiler free day had treated my well... felt it was a reward.

He looked amazing, i do love his apartment aswell.
:lol: I think he looks a bit freaked out in the picture with Melina. But yes, he seems to like to show his well sculpted arms.

I thought so, too! :lol: That's funny--maybe it was early in the morning or something. :lol:

As I have done some screencapping, I think that some of you might appreciate these. Meh, Danny doesn't do it for me, but John Dove promised shirtlessness, and he delivered!




Elsie, you rock with the caps! :D I came in here looking for a little shirtless Danny, and you did not disappoint. :cool: Thank you! :D

Do his arms seem a little smaller than usual? Like maybe he didn't work out a whole lot during the strike? :lol: I actually think he looks cute a little skinny and scrawny...I always go for the thin boy types. :lol: :D

Oh Elsie you just made my day *fans self* that's tooo hot man. Thank you for posting the pics. Oh and John Dove promised some shirtlessness you say sooo where's Flack minus shirt? He must not forget about that part of the deal.

We still have five more episodes to go! :D Here's hoping. But yep...John Dove sure came through for us! :D

I, ahem, sure wouldn't mind seeing Danny and Flack shirtless together...playing basketball or..."basketball." :devil: ;)

LOVE the caps, thanks Elsie! :D Just the kind of pics a girl likes to see on her birthday... ;)

Happy birthday Orison! :D Hope you had a great one! :D

On a more serious topic, and not to step on the toes of the "Did Danny cheat?" thread, but has your opinion of Danny changed after last night's episode, or is it the same? Do you think he was acting out of character, or were his actions typical of the Danny we know?
I'm glad you all liked the caps. :D

LOVE the caps, thanks Elsie! :D Just the kind of pics a girl likes to see on her birthday... ;)

Ooh, shirtless Danny, what more can a girl ask for on her birthday? ;) I hope you had a lovely day.

I can't believe that you look at pics of shirtless Danny and focus on the kitchen's stuff instead, something is wrong with all of you...:lol:

:lol: I have to say that I was intrigued by what he had in there. Plus a fully stocked fridge and lots of fruit. I was impressed by that. :lol: Although the silver thing, I have no clue what that even is, and the spice rack looked more like a gift that a mother might give to her son, than actually something he would use. ;)

On a more serious topic, and not to step on the toes of the "Did Danny cheat?" thread, but has your opinion of Danny changed after last night's episode, or is it the same? Do you think he was acting out of character, or were his actions typical of the Danny we know?

My opinion of him hasn't changed at all. I'm not sure that his actions were out of character even. He has often been shown as emotional and seeking approval, as well as grief ridden over the previous few episodes, so for him to find solace and foster a relationship with Rikki doesn't seem particularly odd to me. It may not be the healthiest of ways to grieve, but people do deal with grief in all sorts of ways, many of them more damaging than this, and Danny and Rikki seem to be helping each other through the process so I don't think it painted him in a poor light at all. However, and trying not to step on the toes of the other thread, if I was to discover in the future that he and Lindsay were in fact supposed to have been in a serious, exclusive relationship at the time then I might be slightly disappointed in him. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would deliberately set out to hurt someone, so I don't think his intentions were bad. I would go as far as to say, in my opinion, that given the other factors that have played a part in bringing him and Rikki closer, he could be forgiven for his indiscretions, that's if forgiveness is even required.
^ I have to say i agree with Elsie on that i don't think he has changed.
As we learnt Danny goes on his instincts and on the most part lets his emotions get he better of him. So I thought at the time it probably felt like the right thing even though they both knew it wasn't. He's never has done things by the book I didn't expect it to be all perfect. Since we didn't know the DL situation i doubt they did either i never thought he cheated but i did feel he didn't think about who else might get hurt because from Lindsays speech there was obviously more going on behind the scenes which us viewers never saw.

Just think he's hit a rough patch.
I just watched the episode and I was think 'what the hell is Danny doin' there?'. wasn't he the who had wanted to start something with lindsay? and what is he doing? going into bed with his neighbor ricky. i just coudn't believe it...

I can understand how Lindsay is feeling. She had been in bed with Danny and now felt in love with him. That this would happen was quite obvious to me, but I had not thought that it would turn out this way. but in my POV Lindsay had done everything right. Tell him what she is thinking and what her feelings are like. Now it's Danny as well how have to think about it and it would not be easy, I believe.

For the first time, I hated Danny in an episode. How can someone do this?
First, yummy pictures. I almost needed a cold shower after that scene.
Second, where is this mysterious silver thing that everyone is talkng about?? Lol!
Not that I am complaining as I think Carmine look beautiful in those pics, but he doesn't seem to have been working out as usual. Still gorgeous tho!
Not that I am complaining as I think Carmine look beautiful in those pics, but he doesn't seem to have been working out as usual. Still gorgeous tho!

Maybe TPTB told him that a CSI science geek wouldn't be so buff and to limit his time at the Y. :eek: ;) :p

GuelphGal said:
Second, where is this mysterious silver thing that everyone is talking about?? Lol!

I believe it is the object that is on the counter in front of the window, behind Danny.

I love your avatar, btw.
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