Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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It's okay if it's a YouTube type place, just be careful of whole episode kind of things. :)

He is definitely the utility guy, lol! :lol: I bet there will be lots of screencaps after the ep airs...
Mis Blue, thanks very much your new link worked a treat! I have to agree with everyone else who cursed blue circles!!:scream: Not sure how the actress in the scene with him managed to concentrate on her lines, I wouldn't have been able to!:eek:
Awww, that's cute. There is something really angelic and good about Danny. I really like that!
I didn't scan the images, but there are two a pictures of Carmine greeting Melina with a big hug in this next week's TV Guide. It's implied that these pictures were taken when the cast returned to work. I'm not certain if that's true or not, but these are very cute pictures. :)

Gary Sinise is also in one of these pictures and I think AJ Buckley's back, but I'm not sure.

Finally got around to scanning the images. I'm not Photoshop savvy, so I apologize for how it looks. I just think that Carmine is too cute. Who wouldn't want a hug & a cheek-to-cheek from him? :drool:
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i know that pictures where you talk abour from carmine and melina i loved them so mutch,it's really cute

here's the link for those people don't have seem them.

Lordy I've got all squishy.....:drool: could that man get any sweeter??

And LOOK at those arms...:eek:

Thanks Carmine-lover :D
I think he must have an endless supply of those white tanktops. :lol: Those pics of him and Melina are so cute! :D
I think he must have an endless supply of those white tanktops. :lol: Those pics of him and Melina are so cute! :D

They sell them in multipacks, like socks. Most men wear them under their regular shirts, but I'm not complaining!

:lol: I think he looks a bit freaked out in the picture with Melina. But yes, he seems to like to show his well sculpted arms.

As I have done some screencapping, I think that some of you might appreciate these. Meh, Danny doesn't do it for me, but John Dove promised shirtlessness, and he delivered!



Oh Elsie you just made my day *fans self* that's tooo hot man. Thank you for posting the pics. Oh and John Dove promised some shirtlessness you say sooo where's Flack minus shirt? He must not forget about that part of the deal.
Lovely caps Elsie, thank-you :D

However, I'm afraid my first reaction to those photos was 'he's got a spice rack in his kitchen???'

I would never have pegged Danny as a masterchef.... :lol:
Lovely caps Elsie, thank-you :D

However, I'm afraid my first reaction to those photos was 'he's got a spice rack in his kitchen???'

I would never have pegged Danny as a masterchef.... :lol:

And I noticed the bowl of fruit and started giggling because of the infamous "Shasta McNasty" pic. :lol:
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