Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Thanks for the translation!! It sounds almost exactly like the article that was in OK! Magazine a couple of years ago, if I recall correctly. Anyone still have that one hanging about?
Thanks for the translation. :) Yes, Springmoon, I've definitely read that before too, or something extremely similar, so I think it's taken from the same article.
*pantpantpant* i Od'd on pretty pictures because of you guys! at work! >_< i want a Danny to keep me company at work...aside of whats in my head....*sigh*
Springmoon said:
Thanks for the translation!! It sounds almost exactly like the article that was in OK! Magazine a couple of years ago, if I recall correctly. Anyone still have that one hanging about?
Yes, I have it. I just need to hook up my new printer/scanner and I'll get it on here. :D
CSIAnnStokes, cinnamonjunkie and Lonia--thank you so much for translating!!! :D :D :D

It sounds similar too but not exactly the same as the OK! article. I definitely don't remember him talking about The Idiot (yes, I'm a literature junkie :lol: ) or being single for 8 years in that article. Bitching about his work schedule, however, is nothing new. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Springmoon said:
^He can be a whiny, emo little thing can't he?

:lol: So true. I guess we know where Danny gets it from... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Thank you for the translation! :D It is much appreciated!

Yeah, it sounds like the OK Magazine article, only in German. Ya gotta wonder why a magazine in Germany would print out the part about him being single for eight years and him reading The Idiot, and not a magazine in the US. :lol: I'm not too sure I wanna expound on theories for that.

So he writes poetry, eh? I've like to read them sometime. </poetry freak>
Thank's for the translation you guys! :D

I don't really know why but I want to know if the rats in the pond were dead or alive. The idea of Carmine trying to catch live rats in a pond is amusing. Although I'm sure he wouldn't share my feelings :p
^Funny, I was thinking the same thing about Carmine's lap. :devil: :eek:

Sorry, had to say it. :lol: It was just right. there. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm surprised the article didn't mention his band at all. With the strike going on, I'm guessing he's going to have lots of time to perform with them...
CSIAnnStokes said:
For eight years he's been single, is yearning for a relationsship. "I am very emotional, would like to have a permanent partner. But I'm looking for someone, whose making click instantly", Carmine admits.

DAMMIT, MAN!!! I'm right here! I'm bloody waiting... *tick, tick, tick*
Carmeena said:
CSIAnnStokes said:
For eight years he's been single, is yearning for a relationsship. "I am very emotional, would like to have a permanent partner. But I'm looking for someone, whose making click instantly", Carmine admits.

DAMMIT, MAN!!! I'm right here! I'm bloody waiting... *tick, tick, tick*


That reply was perfect, and it made my day. :lol: :cool:
I love his house and the article its funny i can imagine him saying it rather than the usual ooh they are putting it on. I would love to live in his house.
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