Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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oohhhhh *sad face*
it seriously broke me. i was sitting here (and you can probably see it on the camera pointing at my desk) going "what...what what? where?! gimme!!" and i had this look on my face then nearly passed out due to extreem whimpering!!
Aww--if it helps, I'd share the video if it existed. :lol:

Not only does Carmine keep his (portable for your thieving convenience) safe on his bookcase in plain sight, he also has a box with a gingham top on it. :lol: That's not really the sort of thing I'd see him buying. :p "It reminds me of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Gotta have it!" :lol:

ETA: Now y'all have got me curious about what's on his bookshelf. Does the one toward the left on the top shelf with the light cover say "Musashi"? Over on the right (over the expanding file thingy) looks like an art book of some sort that starts with "GA"

I wonder if he's got any gems on his bookcase? Mine has the usual fare, and it's kinda like: Harry Potter, Anne McCaffrey, the Gay Kama Sutra--surprise! :lol: Everybody should have just one 'wtf?' book, I think. :p (Then again, I think his super-duper thesaurus might fit the bill. :lol:)
I have the usual stuff for an anime geek: Manga manga manga Hardcore gay manga, Female serial killers, male serial killers, other true crime books, tarot cards for dummies, druid power....
All of my books are WTF books. now i just need a Danny-in-a-jar to compleat it....*nodnod* every so often i'd put a Mac or Don in there to keep him company....and by company i mean to molest him. (i want to nibble that mouth...mmm!)
Faylinn said:
I wonder if he's got any gems on his bookcase? Mine has the usual fare, and it's kinda like: Harry Potter, Anne McCaffrey, the Gay Kama Sutra--surprise! :lol: Everybody should have just one 'wtf?' book, I think. :p (Then again, I think his super-duper thesaurus might fit the bill. :lol:)
Well what did you think the safe was for? :lol: and of course he can't have the Gay Kama Sutra and FHM out at the same time :p :lol:
its for his don porn isnt it? come on Carmine tell the truth now!

Re: nakid carmine picture:
*whimpers and nosebleeds* scuse me...*flails to the bathroom*

Edit 2: cause i have much no life and its only six (two more hours to go *rock rock rock* two more hours to go) Oh carmine i love you SO FREEKING MUCH! *flail* if i ever saw this man in person (and i've had day dreams about this) i'd just...turn into a puddle. just melt right there on the sidewalk!
I can translate the article if you want me to.
I love that last pic at the door, it's just.....his eyes....and the tankie....:devil:
CSIAnnStokes, if you want to, or would want to give us the highlights of the article, that would be awesome! :D

WhosLaughingNow, thanks for posting those scans! :D I wonder if the article is in the U.S. In Touch as well. I doubt it because as others have said, those same pics were in OK! before.

I kinda wonder if The Idiot is his favorite book, or if it was just what it happened to be reading at the time of the article. It's a brave man who can take a picture holding a book called The Idiot, even if it is Dostoevsky. :lol:
*despirat voice* Pleace translate! I had German one year at school, but I Droped it becaous it got too much classes... Arg, way didn`t I have it anyway?!? :mad:
Sirius said:

Re: nakid carmine picture:
*whimpers and nosebleeds* scuse me...*flails to the bathroom*

Edit 2: cause i have much no life and its only six (two more hours to go *rock rock rock* two more hours to go) Oh carmine i love you SO FREEKING MUCH! *flail* if i ever saw this man in person (and i've had day dreams about this) i'd just...turn into a puddle. just melt right there on the sidewalk!

*offers you a tranquilizer*

That article has some of my favorite photos of Carmine in them. Once you clean him up nicely, the man is very photogenic.
Nice article. Thanks for the scans WhosLaughingNow

@Top : the small article where the picture is says that "Der Idiot" is one of his favourite books. It also says that unfortunately he barely has time to read.
If anyone can translate the article, please do....

I speak 3 languages - unfortunatly German isnt one of them.

thnx in advance.
*runs in bedroom and gets the article from bedside table*

Ok, let's go.
Wanted: Ideal woman for ideal house
Carmine Giovinazzo (34)
In "CSI: New York" is he as hard-bitten investigator on the road. And at home he barely can sit still, too...
It's was love at first sight! As he'd seen the wooden door, Carmine Giovinazzo knew: Here I want to stay! Despite the broken roof, rats in the pond and nothing but dirt behind the house. "I like the ancient style", the actor says. And first had to work hard to whip that estate in the Hollywood Hills in shape. "With friends I repaired the roof, modeled the garden and tiled the bath", says Carmine proud. Meanwhile he lives on this estate for five years. The US-Star was raised in Staten Island, New York. As if to the matter born to be a police man: "My Dad was a police man, like my sister and my brother in law - I had it a whole lifetime around me", says Carmine. Convenient, because since he investigates as Detectiv Danny Messer in "CSI: New York", he can join into the conversations of his police family. But because such a day of shooting can last till 4 in the morning, he hasn't got much free time. "I've never had a holiday, I'm pretty exhausted. I'd preferably fly somewhere, lie in the sun and chill", says the actor. At home it's hard for him to do that. There's always somewhere something to de: cut down a tree in the garden, clean the pond or to engage in his hobby - the painting. "The pictures on the walls are my favourites in the house, all painted myself. On then are places like Ogden Drive and Lookout Mountain, where I lived before." Only one thing is bothering Carmine: that he can't share his big house with anyone and often sits alone in front of his fireplace. For eight years he's been single, is yearning for a relationsship. "I am very emotional, would like to have a permanent partner. But I'm looking for someone, whose making click instantly", Carmine admits. In the Meantime he already thought about selling his cozy place to move into something smaller. "It's rather much work, because everything at the house is quite old. I can't manage that alone, But meanwhile I cling(?) too much to it and I like the peace here in the mountains." He needs that, because at 6 am a new shooting day begins.

If someone wants to know what's written next to the pictures, just tell me and I'll translate it.
So I came to late to translate... but I still have the captions for the pics:

- Gary-pic: Since 2004 Carmine investigates as Detective Danny Messer on “CSI:NY”. On his side: partner Gary as Mac Taylor.

- Below: The little garden in front of the house is his favourite place. “I’m always here when the weather is good”, Carmine says.

- Kitchen-pic: Carmine loves Italian food. To be fit for his part at the show he regularly trains in the YMCA-gym.

- Guitar-pic: An extra room for his music was very important for the actor. He likes to play guitar and even writes songs and poems.

- Living room-pic: Such days are rare: Carmine relaxes on his couch in the living room. Over the fireplace is the painting he first did after moving into the house.

- Dining room-pic: In the dining room – and the hole house – wood is the dominant material. The table and the chairs are antiques.

- Book-pic: Carmine’s private library: Sadly he rarely has time to read. One of his favourite books: “The Idiot” written by F.D.

- Door-pic: The front door made of oak immediately charmed him. He would like to let in a woman through it one day…

- the green speech bubble: I have a very Italian, emotional disposition and I’m clingy.

Wouldn't you want to walk through that door too? ;)
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