Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Springmoon said:
Oh. My. God, 1CSIMfan!!! What did we do to you? What are you clowns going to post next, that damned purple hat pic? *ducks from flying objects*
:lol: Luckily, I don't have that one but I'm pretty sure that Fay does.

The mullet is much better than the purple hat picture. Isn't it the one with that ugly coat that's way too big for Carmine? If so, the look on Carmine's in that face in that picture is just pure evil. :p Apparently, we're not the only people who don't like it.

Lorelai, love that picture. :)
Lorelai that photo is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L
What episode is it from?
Is that the famous 'baby-blue' shirt (or is it grey?)
There it is. The question from the new members about the purple hat. So I fear we'll see the pic again soon *sigh*

Lorelai, that photo really is great.

And you know what since we're going all out and finding his most flattering pictures we might as well add this too. At least he looks decent in the dress. He fills it out nicely too :p


And because I'm nice and kinda sorry, but not really

Lorelai... that picture is soo wow... whens it taken.. looks to good to be a episode pic.

love the embarassing pictures certainly cheer me up after staring at my university work.
F%$#! Not again! :eek: Picspam now, please! We need to change the page.. :lol:

The pretty pic is from a interview Carmine did during S 3 for AXN Asia, I think... :confused:

Here are all the pics I found :

Ook the 2nd picture in got me giggling it looks like the dummy is making a rather rude gesture.

Are LOVELY picture... can fill my moments of procrastination any day
Thanks for posting all the pics you have from the interview. I think I vaguely can remember this interview. And a special thanks for posting this lovely pics after the hat and the dress pics above
Way did I ask about the purple hat? Anyone know tell me! :confused:

God, how the h*** did he get talk in to wearing that hat and dress? :eek:

Lovely pic Lorelai, I needed them very much. Like 1,2 and 5 He look Soooo Cute! :D

*Google carmine to fine more pretty pic of him so I can sleep, and have some lovely dreams :devil: instad of dreaming of that purple thing :(*
Oh, Carmine. What you're willing to do for work is, uh, I don't know. But it's something!

I loled when I saw the purple hat picture. Not so much because of the purple hat itself (although that's definitely lol-worthy), but because of how pissed off Carmine looks in it. :D
My mouse-fu powahs ensured me I'd never see that purple hat picture ever again! :p :lol: (You know how many times I was subjected to that picture? So many times that I started to find it adorable. Somebody burn it! Quick!)

Awwww, now those pictures of him from that interview are lovely. Look at the way he's sitting! :lol: The pose it totally saying, "Hey, look at me, babes, am I hot or am I hot?"

Show-off minx. :lol: ;)
I love those blue shirt pictures.

From all my previous years of lurking I've become immune to the bad Carmine pics. Now I have fun picking them apart.
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