Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Thanks Faylinn for the edited version. I also love this one much better. Some of the other "backs" are just like "Ohnooo..."
I was looking at all of the faces seeing who I could recognize, but then I noticed, "Oh, that's William H. Macy... and his booty... close window! CLOSE WINDOW!" Oh my poor, poor, eyes.
I did the same thing. That full version should be banned. :p Just like the mullet that MrsG loves. ;)
Rhonda, m'dear, how can you mention the mullet without posting the picture for the newbies who may not have seen it before? :devil:
Faylinn said:
Rhonda, m'dear, how can you mention the mullet without posting the picture for the newbies who may not have seen it before? :devil:
You talked me into it and you must protect me from MrsG. :lol: Yes, it's scary. You have all been warned. **Scroll down**

^ and ^^ OMG! I'm raising my moderator paddle and am about to smack you both with it. Think of all the poor newbies you'd be destroying, the crushes that would end, the eyes that would burn. Please, for the love of humanity, don't do it.
^ MrsG stole my response. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank goodness it's a SMALL version!!! The big one traumatized me for days the first time! :eek: :lol:


You did while I was typing.

Ooowwww, my eyes!!!!!! You f'ing b**ches!!!!!!
ROFL. Fay is really a bad influence on me. :p

Thank goodness it's a SMALL version!!! The big one traumatized me for days the first time!
Did i have a bigger version? *must go look*

I can't post the butt picture. :( Photobucket keeps deleting it. :lol: Oh wait. It left it this time.
a peace offering...or should I say 'piece'...

And to make up for the mullet:

and my absolute most favorite Carmine picture of all. This has been my wallpaper on my cell phone since it first came out.
That (the mullet) was a shock just after getting up :eek: Thanks for the really great pics afterwards. So I think I can start my day now.
*is content imagining stoner/90'srockhair*

Then again, I am from Texas and have lived in some pretty hick towns... mullets don't scare me any more.

Though the thought of Carmine with one is pretty unsettling. So I'm gonna go erase it now.
1CSIMfan said:
I was looking at all of the faces seeing who I could recognize, but then I noticed, "Oh, that's William H. Macy... and his booty... close window! CLOSE WINDOW!" Oh my poor, poor, eyes.
I did the same thing. That full version should be banned. :p Just like the mullet that MrsG loves. ;)

Oh... oh dear. That's... that's worse then the sudden realization that I've just turned into my mother. :eek:

Hell, they're playing Child's Play on my television right now I can't decide what's worse: Chucky or Mullet!Carmine. BATTLE TO THE DEATH... please?

The hilarity about this thread is that it's great at dealing out emotional trauma only to fix it a post later. (Y hullo thar one-button!Carmine)
Top41 said:
Which episode is the sad Danny face from? He really does that sad face so well.

I think this is from the very first episode of season 4 "Can you hear me now" when Danny is sitting & listening to Nova Kent tell him why she lied. Somewhere towards the end of the episode. :)
Oh. My. God, 1CSIMfan!!! What did we do to you? What are you clowns going to post next, that damned purple hat pic? *ducks from flying objects*
Do not mention the damned purple hat pic. Someone might feel tempted to post it. :lol:

PS. Love ya BB's but why must za evil pics make a surprise cameo on every locker room? :p

Here, enjoy the pretty:

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