Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

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Damnit, I wanted to inflict the evil sailor picture on the thread. :( I'm going to go in the corner and cry now...

*sees hot pictures, stops, stares*...Sorry, what was I saying? :p
Please stop posting that sailor picture *sobs* please people for the love of kittens stop it already :lol: :lol: I really hate that picture but Lorelai made it up for it girl that is some BEAUTIFUL pics that have somehow gone straight to my mobile phone *how'd that happen* :lol:
Lorelai might you know where we could find this interview those lovely pics came from?

Kimmychu said:
(You know how many times I was subjected to that picture? So many times that I started to find itadorable.Somebody burn it! Quick!)
Well you know what? I think it's adorable in a is he or isn't he going to break out in song and dance kind of way. Then after a while it just starts looking as if he's peering deep into your soul... in a bad way.

Faylinn said:
Damnit, I wanted to inflict the evil sailor picture on the thread. :( I'm going to go in the corner and cry now...
I'm sorry Fay. It never occurred to me that I should... share the evil?
WhosLaughingNow said:
I'm sorry Fay. It never occurred to me that I should... share the evil?
It's okay--now MrsG can whip you for posting the picture. :devil:

...wait, that still makes me sad. :(

;) :p
Hannah said:
Ask, and you shall recieve :devil:


I burst out laughing just then when I saw this picture, look where the banana is positioned and you'll understand why :). But gah do I love Danny and yes Carmine doesn't get enough praise/credit he is a brilliant actor not just a gorgeous and sexy man. I love this guy, he's brilliant. I love him in Black Hawk Down, can't remember what his character is called but I did love watching him, when I eventually figured out he was in it, didn't realise at first because I saw it before CSI NY started and I'd not really seen much of Carmine until NY, but he is an awesome character and he plays Danny so well.
Lonia said:
There it is. The question from the new members about the purple hat. So I fear we'll see the pic again soon *sigh*

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Thank u for posting that 'gorgeus' pic. :D

The others are really wonderful. :D
Wow, what a mixture of the pretty and the not-so-pretty in this thread. :lol: I think the mullet is worse than the sailor hat, and the dress is in a league of its own. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know if any of you got TV Guide this week, but Ticamo's "Reader Cheer" for Carmine for his work in "Child's Play" made the print edition!!!! Glad to see that--Carmine deserves the recognition. That was a great performance!
Those pictures are great especially n°4, 5 and 6.
Thanks to you Lorelai I almost forgot what I've seen just before (what purple hat ?? what dress ?? :lol:)
There's just one problem... I can't see the 1st picture :(.

Awwww, now those pictures of him from that interview are lovely. Look at the way he's sitting! :lol: The pose it totally saying, "Hey, look at me, babes, am I hot or am I hot?"

Absolutely !! I love the way he is sitting in his chair... and the answer to the question... "You are damn hot Carmine!!" :D
Top41 said:
I don't know if any of you got TV Guide this week, but Ticamo's "Reader Cheer" for Carmine for his work in "Child's Play" made the print edition!!!! Glad to see that--Carmine deserves the recognition. That was a great performance!

:D :D :D

Best news I heard today! Good for Carmine!

I wonder how the 22% who disagreed feel now. :lol:
i saw the clipping too in TV Guide about Carmine!! i was so happy to just see CSI:NY get some love especially since it was Carmine getting the love :)
MakeTracksCowboy said:
i saw the clipping too in TV Guide about Carmine!! i was so happy to just see CSI:NY get some love especially since it was Carmine getting the love :)
Agreed. Both Carmine and NY deserve it. Season 4 is turning out to be a pretty good season (already far improved over season 3) given what's happened and what's on it's way - particularly for Carmine/Danny. Let's hope that recognition keeps on flowing (and doesn't go to his head for the fear of any emerging purple hats)!

I gotta agree with Top. Mullet PWNS! (only not in a good way)
That are the same glasses in both pics and because the frame is metallized and reflects the light, they look different.
(I hope that wasn't too confusing ;) )

Great pics sim1025 :D He just looks gorgeous!
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