Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Welcome Jessica :D. Nice to see another Canadian on the forums. If you're not perverted in the mind you soon will be 'cause your time will come :devil:. If it can happen to me it can happen to you :lol:. You'll be one of us...
Thanks ladies! I know all to well about being sucked into the gutter, I've let it happen to me many a time...and yet again. It's hard to resist though!

P.s. You guys are hilarious...I love you already! :p
MrsGiovinazzo said:
crankyjules - Call me shallow because ... well, I am ... but there is no way he's tapping that thing you've drawn red arrows toward. Nuh uh. No way.

Hey maybe he likes having something to hold on to. hehe A little cushion for the... u know the rest.

I personally hope he's a the-closer-to-the-bone-the-sweeter-is-the-meat kind of guy cuz inherited my dad's decidedly thin stature. =/

BTW that's from a song u pervs. I know what u were thinking: "I'll bet the meat is sweeter closer to his bone". LoL :eek:
Hey, I'm new. Long time lurker, new poster. Just wanted to say HI!
Hey, sweetie! You'll have so much fun here! Any questions-- just anyone of us? We'll be so happy to help. I might not know alot, but I'll try my best.

Hello girlies! Haha I'm back, I knew I just couldn't stay away forever! Sadly I move flat and had no internet access :( and a boy who agreed to stop reading fhm if I agreed to stop drooling over danny messer but I'm at home for xmas without the boy but with series of CSI:NY and wireless internet so I don't even have to get out off bed! Sadly, my last laptop broke taking every single one of my Carmine pics with it so I am SO happy to be back in the locker room! Now, where are my welcome back gifts??!!
tinybadger said:
Sadly I move flat and had no internet access :( and a boy who agreed to stop reading fhm if I agreed to stop drooling over danny messer
Wow! You were willing to give up Danny Messer in exchange for your boyfriend not reading FHM? Must be love! Personally, I'm more of a, "Shhhh ... I'm watching CSI:NY. If you're bored, go spank it to your FHM" kinda girl myself. :lol: But I can respect how hugely important something must be to you to merit giving up Danny.

Enjoy the holidays at home and get all the Danny you can. :devil:
Damn, it must be love tinybadger :eek:. I would only give up Carmine for a lifetime supply of porn. By that I would mean a video every day of my life & I'm only 20 so yeah, it wouldn't work. If your guy makes you give up the drooling then just picture him as Danny next time you kiss him. That'll show him for making you do that :devil:. Just don't ever call him Danny at the wrong moment. Unless his name is Danny.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Wow! You were willing to give up Danny Messer in exchange for your boyfriend not reading FHM? Must be love! Personally, I'm more of a, "Shhhh ... I'm watching CSI:NY. If you're bored, go spank it to your FHM" kinda girl myself. :lol: But I can respect how hugely important something must be to you to merit giving up Danny.
Wow, you make marriage sound like fun, you old married lady you. :lol: :devil: :lol:
^ Marriage is far more fun than that may have sounded. :lol: When I get all worked up watching Danny, I actually have someone to act that out on. ;) I guess what I really meant is that "I'll give this up, if you give that up" goes against my personal philosophy. Gotta love, or at least accept, all of your partner's traits and not try to change them. Live and let live.
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