Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Oh yes, the ALS light. :devil: Would love to get all kinds of freaky with him all over a room, then turn out the lights to admire our handiwork. :devil:
tiara4carmine said:
Mrs.G - and what kind of handiwork would that be :lol:

and would we all be there to watch/participate :devil: :eek: :lol:
Naturally you can all watch/participate. More fun that way. ;) :devil:

You know what: Based on the "nice girls don't get laid" I'm not doing the fan project. Thanks a whole freakin' lot!
A couple of you nice girls have quoted that remark. If you read it in context, you'll see that the girl in question was referred to as "nice" because she's ugly. Yes, I'm harsh and beauty is subjective and all that happy shit. :lol: Now, if I tell you that nice girls do get laid (or so I've heard), will you participate? Not fair to withhold love for Carmine for a remark I made.
PrettyEyes said:
You know what: Based on the "nice girls don't get laid" I'm not doing the fan project. Thanks a whole freakin' lot!

*cracks whip* Hon, I am gonna make you participate :devil:. Judging by your past posts you have a freaky side that's waiting to be shown to Carmine in writing. Besides, you're gonna increase your chances of obtaining a phone call or getting laid by the sexy beast. *rawr* :devil:
You wenches are downright crazy, I tell you! :lol: I'm working on something. All right? Ya'll are funny; I do feel the need to inform you of that. You're funny and bossy and naggy, all at the same freakin' time. Well done! :devil: ;)
YAY!! We've nagged you into it :D :D

One thing I have to say. I think I was the one who originally used the words 'nice girl'. By that I didn't mean she was ugly. I don't think she's ugly at all ... she ain't Angelina Jolie.. but ugly ... that's harsh.
ThumpyG said:
I figure that Carmine and I could have lots of fun in a dark room with the ALS light :devil: We all can have LOTS of fun in a dark room with Carmine and the ALS light! :lol:
We all can have lots of fun in a dark room with Carmine, also without the ALS light! :lol:
If Carmine wants an als light, by god we'll have one :lol:

Hell, who cares about a light when we'll be bangin People Magazine's hottest D.N.A Dude :lol: :devil:

If Carmine wants the light on to see all of us, god help us.
If he wants it off so he doesn't have to look at us, god help us and him :lol:

Hands up who wants to see Carmine when ya bang him :devil:

The poor boy will be soooo worn out by the time we're done gettin freaky all over with him :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: this is where we need to get a copy of "The Carmine Giovinazzo, untried and untested Sex Guide, performed by The Man Himself!" :lol: now that Would be fun with out the ALS light hehe!!!
I already booked my copy :devil: but I wanna the autograph at the first page... or at the page of the Crab Position :lol:
crankyjules said:
afrikana said:
i think it's that the Chloe chick from 24 who was also in Shasta...

Oh GOOD CALL Afrikana!! The banana-girl! She's a funny lady :)

And here's an pic to make Idee stop growling:

She's with THIS guy, not Carmine. I was right with my photo op call.

BUT ... beggars THIS question ... who's THIS bird??



Because THIS is the one who was hanging around looking like she was waiting for Carmine, trying to keep out of the way, AND she is holding clothes that suggest she has just disembarked from a bike ;)

Just call me Det. Crankyjules. I think I should be working with Flack :D :devil:

She does look a lot like Mary Lynn Raskjub (sp?) who plays Chloe on 24 (and was in Shasta), but I'm not sure that's her. Her eyes look different. Any other 24 fans around? What do you think? Mary Lynn is a great actress, so if he was dating her, I'd say good taste!

Getting back to Danny...(that would be you and me, Fay! :lol: ;) ), I did love how Danny was literally shaking when he went into the bar. It made it so realistic--it was a scary situation, but one that seems all too pat because we see cops going to confront armed suspects often on TV. Seeing Danny nervous--because he is ultimately a scientist and not a street cop--made the scene feel new, like it wasn't something that had been done umpteen times before. And I gotta tip my hat to Carmine, because that isn't easy. I was impressed.
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