Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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Getting back to Danny...(that would be you and me, Fay! ), I did love how Danny was literally shaking when he went into the bar. It made it so realistic--it was a scary situation, but one that seems all too pat because we see cops going to confront armed suspects often on TV. Seeing Danny nervous--because he is ultimately a scientist and not a street cop--made the scene feel new, like it wasn't something that had been done umpteen times before. And I gotta tip my hat to Carmine, because that isn't easy. I was impressed.
Exactly. I know Danny mentioned being a cop before (in S1 he talked about arresting pick-pockets), but ultimately I think he's a scientist. Of course, even a true-blue cop should be nervous going into a situation with a psycho that has a gun. :lol: I liked that Danny went in to Shane. For him, there were two reasons to go--to free Sheldon, who he has obviously become very good friends with, and for Shane himself. It's interesting to compare Danny and Shane--both of them had some similarities in their pasts, but the ways that they chose to act were very dissimilar. It makes you wonder how Danny feels about Shane overall...

Danny strikes me as someone who just reached a point where he couldn't avoid the truth anymore. He clearly wanted to believe in Louie, and to think that someone he loved could never do anything horrible (although there's no telling what Louie did or didn't do in the past), but in the end something woke him up to the fact that it's not a perfect world. :( I wonder if it was the night Sonny killed the guy from "RSRD" or if it was something else?...
Faylinn said:
Exactly. I know Danny mentioned being a cop before (in S1 he talked about arresting pick-pockets), but ultimately I think he's a scientist. Of course, even a true-blue cop should be nervous going into a situation with a psycho that has a gun. :lol: I liked that Danny went in to Shane. For him, there were two reasons to go--to free Sheldon, who he has obviously become very good friends with, and for Shane himself. It's interesting to compare Danny and Shane--both of them had some similarities in their pasts, but the ways that they chose to act were very dissimilar. It makes you wonder how Danny feels about Shane overall...

For some reason, I doubt Danny was a cop for very long. Maybe something about it didn't agree with him? That would be worth exploring at some point.

I think Danny emphasizes with Shane, and people who have experienced terrible losses (like the dad in "Super Men"). Unlike Mac and FLack, who tend to see things in black and white, Danny sees the shades of grey in people, I suspect because he's had a rough life himself. Not that Danny would ever sympathize with a selfish killer--he's the first to condemn them ("Bad Beat," "Love Run Cold"), but he was able to relate to Shane because of what Louie put him through. I really liked that a lot.

Danny strikes me as someone who just reached a point where he couldn't avoid the truth anymore. He clearly wanted to believe in Louie, and to think that someone he loved could never do anything horrible (although there's no telling what Louie did or didn't do in the past), but in the end something woke him up to the fact that it's not a perfect world. :( I wonder if it was the night Sonny killed the guy from "RSRD" or if it was something else?...

Danny's loss of faith in Louie really has defined his life in a way--I wonder if that comes back to his trust issues? He felt betrayed by Louie that night, even though Louie was trying to help him. Danny felt like his brother was rejecting him. That could kind of explain his issues with Mac in season one and constantly seeking Mac's approval. But I wonder if Danny really has come to terms with who Louie is yet.
Top41 said:
Seeing Danny nervous--because he is ultimately a scientist and not a street cop--made the scene feel new, like it wasn't something that had been done umpteen times before. And I gotta tip my hat to Carmine, because that isn't easy. I was impressed.

I thought that was so brilliantly done. Played scared shitless must be so hard to do. A stroke of genius. Loved it. :)
^ That's what I really like about Carmine, he's able to put a lot of emotion into his character and make the scene he's doing really well done. There's not that many actors that can play emotion like he can ("Run Silent, Run Deep", for example, too). I can see him setting bar examples and he's been able to do that repeatedly.
I watched "Creatures of the Night" on Spike tonight, and God how I miss that Danny. :( It got me thinking about his character and the way he interacted with Aiden and how great they were together, which of course led me to comparing his interaction with other characters... *sigh* Why in the hell did Vanessa decide to leave?

But that's not a subject for this thread, so back to Danny.

Played scared shitless must be so hard to do.
Absolutely! :lol: He's standing on a set, trying to act like he's in a life-threatening situation, probably doing multiple takes--that would not be an easy thing to do. :lol:

For some reason, I doubt Danny was a cop for very long. Maybe something about it didn't agree with him? That would be worth exploring at some point.
Yeah, I'd like to know more about that. Deep down, Danny is such a different person than, say, Flack. I think he's a bit rough and tumble because he had to be growing up, he'll get in a fight but ultimately that's not the kind of person he is, and it creates conflict within himself. He strikes me as someone who would like to be at peace but the way he jumps around and can rarely seem to just settle and be calm tells me that, on some instinctive level, he won't let himself do so. Even when he's made good for himself, there's always that sense that it could all come crashing down around his ears.

Unlike Mac and FLack, who tend to see things in black and white, Danny sees the shades of grey in people, I suspect because he's had a rough life himself.
Yes, very true. He can see that people aren't just lumped into 'good' and 'evil,' and it allows him to see that even good people can do bad things. The example with the girl's father in "Super Men" shows that side of him well. I liked the way he expressed his regret for the man losing his daugher, even knowing that he'd killed a young man. :(

Danny's loss of faith in Louie really has defined his life in a way--I wonder if that comes back to his trust issues?
I really think that's very possible. It might not just be Louie, though. Maybe he could never rely on many people in his life, and Louie was one of the few he could count on, and that made the betrayal all that much worse. And for him to find out, all these years later, that he didn't know the whole story, surely makes him feel horrible and, knowing Danny, guilty.

But I wonder if Danny really has come to terms with who Louie is yet.
I don't think he has, no. I'm not sure that Danny completely understands himself at this point, and trying to understand Louie would be even less likely IMO. Of course, he also might try to understand who Louie is with relation to himself, and that's not going to answer any of his questions...
Faylinn - stop Fay stop, you're making me feel so sorry for poor Danny and we haven't got S3 here in Australia yet :( :( :(

awww poor woobie :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oops, sorry about that, tiara. :(

But really, it's not all sad for Danny so far in S3. ;) And there's still half a season to go. :p
Faylinn- I'm drooling already :devil: :devil:

Especially over those nekkid pics from a few eps ago - was that Here's to you Mrs.Azrael???

I love this board :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yep, the shirtless scene was from the "Mrs. Azrael" episode (with its name that's too frickin' long to write out). :lol:

He's very drool-worthy this season, with his tight shirts and whatnot. :devil:
Faylinn - yes I too, like everyone else, have noticed the skin tight tops and tees (from pics posted here).Someone mentioned pages ago that they looked like they were spraypainted on :eek:

What's wrong with that I say :lol:
Let's scrub the man down and shower him clean ourselves :devil: :eek: :devil:

Give us more skin tight tops :lol: :lol: :lol:
Or, a shower scene we can all join in on :devil: :devil: :devil:
Hey, is it just me or does it look like Carmine coloured his hair? There was this one scene where he was talking to Stella outside the rink & his hair looked darker brown with a slight hint of red. I didn't notice any blonde in his hair & if my eyes are indeed right then I prefer his newer colour better.
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