Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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A bit of video footage does not a relationship make :lol: :lol:

Relax Idee ;) It may just be one of those random photo ops too ... you know "could you two get together and have your photo taken please?"

OTH, Don't want to begrudge the guy some luvin', if that's what he's getting! :)
Yeah, crankyjules, spot on!! Hopefully it is just a random photo op... but if he's getting some, lucky him. Unfortunately, it's not one of us fangirls :( Maybe he'll think differently after he gets the fan project :lol:
I also found these. I think they are from the same party. Hope they haven't been posted. There's so many pics, I can't remember. :rolleyes:



These pics say they're from the AXELab party at the Playboy mansion on December 2, 2006.


afrikana said:
i think it's that the Chloe chick from 24 who was also in Shasta...

Oh GOOD CALL Afrikana!! The banana-girl! She's a funny lady :)

And here's an pic to make Idee stop growling:

She's with THIS guy, not Carmine. I was right with my photo op call.

BUT ... beggars THIS question ... who's THIS bird??



Because THIS is the one who was hanging around looking like she was waiting for Carmine, trying to keep out of the way, AND she is holding clothes that suggest she has just disembarked from a bike ;)

Just call me Det. Crankyjules. I think I should be working with Flack :D :devil:
OMG, it's a photo of jkladis dressed in women's clothing & a wig :eek:! I must say that he almost looks better then I do :lol:. He still owns me on the stalker part though. So much for being subtle. HA!
Great pics and caps from the event!! Thanks for sharing :D

As for that other girl- I think she's probably a publicist.
Springmoon said:
but if he's getting some, lucky him. Unfortunately, it's not one of us fangirls :( Maybe he'll think differently after he gets the fan project :lol:
Damn straight, baby. Once we gets a bit of that sweet fangirl love headed his way, he'll kick all others to the curb. :lol: :lol: :lol:

crankyjules - Call me shallow because ... well, I am ... but there is no way he's tapping that thing you've drawn red arrows toward. Nuh uh. No way.
ThisIsMe said:
As for that other girl- I think she's probably a publicist.

Now I LIKE that idea! Not that it makes any difference ... only in my wildest fantasies anyway :rolleyes:

MrsGiovinazzo said:
Call me shallow because ... well, I am ... but there is no way he's tapping that thing you've drawn red arrows toward. Nuh uh. No way.

:lol: :D :lol: oh you are MEAN! Can I trot out ... "she's probably a very nice girl" in her defence? (But obviously I'm not because I'm laughing anyway :lol: )
crankyjules said:
Can I trot out ... "she's probably a very nice girl" in her defence? (But obviously I'm not because I'm laughing anyway :lol: )
You can trot that out all you want, but the reality is that a "very nice girl" just doesn't get laid in Hollywood, especially not by one of People's Sexiest. :lol:
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