Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
I agree with Fay. Carmine has proven himself through interviews to be intelligent, creative, passionate and serious about what he does. That's hot. Sure, he's pleasing to the eye, but I doubt that's what really sucks anyone in.

I think what sucks people in is Danny. I've been thinking more about the episode, and I really have to commend Carmine's performance, especially in that last scene. I thought it was a thoughtful choice to show how scared Danny was--so often we see a cop on TV go into that situation like it's an everyday thing. Since it very clearly isn't for Danny, I liked seeing how nervous he was. He was basically alone in a bar with an unhinged serial killer, and Carmine made it seem real and not just routine with his performance. He definitely deserves kudos for that.
Gosh, it's sooo frustrating to have to wait until S3 starts here. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. You guys are sooooo lucky. And I do agree, it is Danny that brings everyone in, cuz really, that IS what we see and get to see.
Absolutely. Danny's what got me hooked to CSI:NY. It does help that Carmine's a... uhm, good-looking guy but it's the character that I fell in love with. :)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I agree with Fay. Carmine has proven himself through interviews to be intelligent, creative, passionate and serious about what he does. That's hot. Sure, he's pleasing to the eye, but I doubt that's what really sucks anyone in.

And I agree with you both.

I was initially sucked in by Danny. Who is the realest character on TV, IMO. But that was merely a hook.

I'm turned on by Carmine's creative output in a big big way ... that's the major 'pant' factor for me. And his passion. You have to love anyone with that much passion for the things they do.

That said, it doesn't hurt that he's got a body that is a work of art and a pleasing face :D

Pretty faces are a dime a dozen. Brad Pitt does nothing for me ... never has. Tom Cruise ... let's not go there. To really grab my interest, a man has to be intelligent, creative, passionate, a little intense and have integrity. And that's the short list :rolleyes: :lol:
Yes, it was Danny that sucked me in from the Trapped epi, when he gets his shirt off, I fell hard :lol:

But then I saw Carmine :devil: and I thought oh my god I must have this man :lol:

So, like everyone else, I googled :lol: and this is where I ended up :rolleyes: drooling all over my laptop like everyone else :lol:

Carmine is damn fine, in everyway, and that's saying alot for me cause I'm not attracted to too many guys. There's gotta be a special "something" about a guy for me to really notice, and notice I did :devil:

Brad Pitt I like but does nothing for me, but I love George Clooney. Tom Cruise is a dickhead and Ben Affleck, well I did have a bit of a crush for a couple of months.

But generally, guys don't attract me - and no I'm not a lesbian - :lol: if I was I wouldn't be here :lol:

Maybe I'm just really fussy, like Carmine, and know what I want but can't seem to find it, that's why I must hunt down the banana and devour him with gusto :devil: :eek: :lol:
crankyjules said:
I'm turned on by Carmine's creative output in a big big way ... that's the major 'pant' factor for me. And his passion. You have to love anyone with that much passion for the things they do.
On an intellectual level, I admire that passion. On a dirtier level, it makes me wonder if he's always that passionate. ;) I suspect that what lands him on so many "celebs to nail" lists.

Pretty faces are a dime a dozen. Brad Pitt does nothing for me ... never has. Tom Cruise ... let's not go there. To really grab my interest, a man has to be intelligent, creative, passionate, a little intense and have integrity. And that's the short list :rolleyes: :lol:
Totally with you. Brad Pitt? Over-rated and nothing spectacular. Tom Cruise? The last time I wanted a piece of that, he was dancing in his underpants while his parents were out of town and I was in about 9th grade. :lol: But Carmine is the total package -- creative, intelligent, passionate, intense, honest and (so far) seemingly still a normal guy.
I found out over the weekend that the person who runs the carmine fan gallery has deleted all the photos and magazine scans :eek: :( :eek: :mad: :eek:
She says she hopes we can all respect her descicion to do so and that she thought it was the best thing to do :mad:

Where are we going to get all our pics from now :( :( :(

This is not good people, not good at all
tiara4carmine said:
Carmine is damn fine, in everyway, and that's saying alot for me cause I'm not attracted to too many guys. There's gotta be a special "something" about a guy for me to really notice, and notice I did :devil:

Maybe I'm just really fussy, like Carmine, and know what I want but can't seem to find it

I'm the same. I don't get that many crushes. I had a huge one on Gary Sinise for the longest time. But that has since transferred ...

A guy has to be really something for me to sit up and take notice. He has to be outside of the box for a start. My crushes tend to be based more on brain and soul ... not on looks at all. I'm SO picky.

MrsGiovinazzo said::
On an intellectual level, I admire that passion. On a dirtier level, it makes me wonder if he's always that passionate. I suspect that what lands him on so many "celebs to nail" lists.

:devil: Yes I admit I have wondered that very thing myself.

Totally with you. Brad Pitt? Over-rated and nothing spectacular. Tom Cruise? The last time I wanted a piece of that, he was dancing in his underpants while his parents were out of town and I was in about 9th grade. But Carmine is the total package -- creative, intelligent, passionate, intense, honest and (so far) seemingly still a normal guy.

All that and a bag of chips too :lol: There's GOT to be a fly in the ointment somewhere :rolleyes:

As for Tom Cruise ... Never did want a piece of that. Never even liked him young in his undies. But then I never did go for what everyone else did. As a teenager I was never into the pretty faced boy-band style. I was too busy having the hots for the drummer of a rock band that was singing about socio-policital issues. :cool:

This would be the first time I've really had a hard crush on someone that's obviously crush-worthy in a 'mainstream' way (looks wise).
I have to admit - I liked Tom Cruise until he let the crazy out. Then it was all over in a split second ;)

I have to agree with you all here - if Carmine hadn't shown himself to have a brain to go along with his fine ass, then I probably would be all over this board drooling over Hawkes instead of Danny. The actor makes the character come alive so sweetly, I can't help myself. It doesn't help the case that he uses words with more than one syllable... ride 'em baby!
It's a relief to know that Danny feels comfortable in a porno store. That way, if I decide to bring him there for the first day he won't freak out. Now, I wonder what his view on homemade videos are...

^ You're on naughty girl, jorja. However, I've gotta say the fact that Danny went straight for the porn put a smile on my face. :D
Boy this is so frustrating, having to wait for series three...

Anyhow, just to agree with you all about Carmine. Danny is one little sexy bunny but he's a fictional creation - it's Carmine who brings him to life. I would admire Carmine as an actor and as a pretty face but that would be the end of it if it wasn't for his personality.

I agree that it's his passion that makes him so attractive but also his dedication and his determination. He's clearly nobody's fool and I'm always a sucker for someone who knows what they want and isn't prepared to be p*ssed about. Oh and he paints, that gets me every time, and the Picasso quote on his card *sighs*
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