Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
^ You're on naughty girl, jorja. However, I've gotta say the fact that Danny went straight for the porn put a smile on my face. :D

True that. Also, the fact that Stella became uncomfortable in the porno store after Danny began talking was hilarious. To make the moment priceless he should've recommended a toy or video to her :lol:.
jorja_fan86 said:
It's a relief to know that Danny feels comfortable in a porno store. That way, if I decide to bring him there for the first day he won't freak out. Now, I wonder what his view on homemade videos are...


*WHEW* What a relief. :lol: I drove by 'one' of the porn shops today and I thought of you, Jorja and the Holiday Card that I will be getting you there. :devil:

I am so excited. They should have a frequent buyer card at the one I have gone to before, I would be there all of the time......
^^ How strange is it that I've never been to one of those stores? :rolleyes: :lol:

I'm glad you all agree that the man's intelligence and artistic brilliance are important. I was starting to feel like the board's resident geek myself. :lol: :p
^^ You're actually get me a pornographic card :eek:. Hon, you gotta lemme know when you put the card in the mail so I'll make sure to hang around my house when the mail arrives. If my mom finds it... *does sign of the cross*

Y'know, I pass by an adult store everyday on the bus when I head to college. If I end up going in I'm gonna have to throw on a wig & shades & pay with cash 'cause if my debit statement comes & my parents see that I stopped at a porno store :eek:...

Soon I will have my apartment & have the freedom to do whatever the hell I want. And by that I mean Carmine :devil:.

Now, OT...

I enjoy having an intelligent discussion every once in a while. Seriously, it's very hard to post dirty all the time :lol:. Every once in a while it's nice to think with another part of my body :devil:.
jorja_fan86 said:
^^ You're actually get me a pornographic card :eek:. Hon, you gotta lemme know when you put the card in the mail so I'll make sure to hang around my house when the mail arrives. If my mom finds it... *does sign of the cross*

Y'know, I pass by an adult store everyday on the bus when I head to college. If I end up going in I'm gonna have to throw on a wig & shades & pay with cash 'cause if my debit statement comes & my parents see that I stopped at a porno store :eek:...

Soon I will have my apartment & have the freedom to do whatever the hell I want. And by that I mean Carmine :devil:.

Now, OT...

I enjoy having an intelligent discussion every once in a while. Seriously, it's very hard to post dirty all the time :lol:. Every once in a while it's nice to think with another part of my body :devil:.

:lol: nah, I probably won't get you a holiday card there, Jorja! I did get them and have filled out a few domestic ones to send. ;) But, I won't send you a really dirty one, promise. ;)

but seriously, I have to have someone I can have a REAL conversation with. It can't be all porn and dirty talk ALL of the time. :lol:
jorja_fan86 said:
my parents see that I stopped at a porno store :eek:...
Girl, I'm 34! Do you know what my Mom would do to me? Let's just say ya'll would be reading my obituary, because with my luck some freakin' satellite would record me going into the store!!!!! Or, the store would get robbed or another customer would drop dead of a heart attack, and I've have to stay and be a witness. No way on earth!!!!!

Now, OT...

I enjoy having an intelligent discussion every once in a while. Seriously, it's very hard to post dirty all the time :lol:. Every once in a while it's nice to think with another part of my body :devil:.

:lol: :lol: Oh, Jorja, you crack me up! I feel like I'm back in college when I visit the board. Don't ask, because I'm sure not going to share any details!!! :devil:
*Whew* I was expecting a card with a neekid man that reads "I'm here to stuff your Christmas turkey" :lol: I have no objects about nudity so it's all good but I can't wait to see what you have. Y'know, I just may end up stopping at the adult store just for you :devil:.

I wonder how Carmine rates on a scale of 1-10, sexual wise. He seems pretty good at pillow talk but I can't judge him on his overall performance. I'm sure he knows how to please a girl :devil:.
My question is - did Danny buy anything in the porno store :devil:

And I'm 32, I've never been in a porno store either, but if Carmine wanted to take me, I'm all for it :devil: :lol:
I'm 39 and my mom would just laugh about it if she knew I went into a porn store (never have BTW). Although I'm not against going. :devil:

No need to go into a porn store. With the internet you can buy whatever you want and nobody has to know. :p Now..question is, how do I possibly know that? :eek:
1CSIMfan - the same way we all know that :lol:

Have to agree, there's A LOT of stuff you can buy on the net, nudge nudge, wink wink :devil: :eek: :lol:
Or you could just have a party in your home for you and your closest friends. But you didn't hear that from me.
PrettyEyes said:
^^ How strange is it that I've never been to one of those stores? :rolleyes: :lol:
:eek: You and I went to the same law school. Here's a fun little story for you. There was a porn shop near school, on Broadway. A fellow female classmate and I went there to buy a another female classmate a [CENSORED - we can't name toys here :(] as a joke for her birthday because she was kinda disgusted by them. This friend and I then end up debating which one ot get because there's this absolutely enormous glass counter filled with them, running along the entire length of a really long wall. The sizes start out tiny and then progress to these absolutely freakin' enormous "That goes where? You serious???" size things. My friend thought the enormous ones were a riot and we should get one of those. I thought we should get something the girl might actually use. So, we're standing there going, "How 'bout this one?" "No, too big." As we're debating the merits of various models, a guy from school comes in, buys a couple things and leaves fairly quickly. My friend and I are like, "OMG! We just soooo busted him buying porn. How embarrassing for him!" On the contrary -- how embarrassing for us. That tool went back to school and told his buddies that we must be lesbians because we were buying a [CENSORED] to share. :eek: :lol: :lol: Guess you missed that little place near school, huh? :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
PrettyEyes said:
^^ How strange is it that I've never been to one of those stores? :rolleyes: :lol:
:eek: You and I went to the same law school. Here's a fun little story for you. There was a porn shop near school, on Broadway. A fellow female classmate and I went there to buy a another female classmate a [CENSORED - we can't name toys here :(] as a joke for her birthday because she was kinda disgusted by them. This friend and I then end up debating which one ot get because there's this absolutely enormous glass counter filled with them, running along the entire length of a really long wall. The sizes start out tiny and then progress to these absolutely freakin' enormous "That goes where? You serious???" size things. My friend thought the enormous ones were a riot and we should get one of those. I thought we should get something the girl might actually use. So, we're standing there going, "How 'bout this one?" "No, too big." As we're debating the merits of various models, a guy from school comes in, buys a couple things and leaves fairly quickly. My friend and I are like, "OMG! We just soooo busted him buying porn. How embarrassing for him!" On the contrary -- how embarrassing for us. That tool went back to school and told his buddies that we must be lesbians because we were buying a [CENSORED] to share. :eek: :lol: :lol: Guess you missed that little place near school, huh? :lol:

Yeah, I missed it, but what an @$$! At least it wasn't a professor. :eek: :devil: :lol: I don't drink, but my all-time fave name for a bar was the Virgin Sturgeon. :lol:
^ You know, I've always loved that name too! I've never been there though. I don't drink either, but that's not why. They're supposed to have good food. Just haven't been. Cute name though.
Anyone know who the sidekick is?




'scuse the quality. Screenshots of vid up on a photosite. He said he was there with his buddy (and gave a male's name), but it looked like they both bought dates as well. There was another girl hanging around looking like she was waiting for Carmine to be done being photographed as well.
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