MrsGiovinazzo said:
Dear Female Members of the CSI:NY Writing Staff,
Due to the occassional shout-out or mention of "the online community", we know you read this site. I'm sure you're aware of our repeated requests for a shower scene for Danny. We've told you time and again how much we enjoy a good tank top episode and how grateful we'd be to see Danny in the shower.
I just realized we've been going about this all wrong, whining to CBS and to Anthony Zuiker. They have no reason to be sensitive to our plight. It's you, the female writers, who stand to benefit from granting our request. Check this out: you can write the scene anyway you want and you can be on set to watch the taping. Really, it's not us who stand to gain from this episode. It's you. If you write us a shower scene, you get to watch Carmine Giovinazzo strip naked. While we'd get the primetime friendly, carefully edited version, you'd get to see him strut around the set in full c**k sock glory. Think about it.
Female Writer