Liev/Keppler Thread #1

edog said:
I was just thinking, for the probable CSI Season 7 box set, that it would be cool if Liev did some audio commentary for any of his episodes.

I would assume it's very rare that a recurring/guest actor lends to the audio commentary. If they ever decided to do that, I'd love for it to be Liev. :D

something you said awhile back, but I think its a good idea, too. I think it'd be great if they put his face on one of the DVDs with all four of the episodes he was in on it when they come out with the set. Would they do that?
I saw him on Conan.He was SO way hot too.I felt bad for him cuz he said people think hes creepy and ugly. :( I love him and i wish i were Naomi. :devil:
He is hot XD I hope that Naomi has a boy. One more Schreiber hottie to oogle at. Have you seen his brother??
And it's not just his looks, either, Schreiber is a very good actor.
"He also said that he checked out online forums, and realized it was a mistake, because he read a lot of comments about him being ugly, lol!!!"

Awwwwww...poor guy.Who would say something like that?!!I want to know what message boards he was looking at.Lol,he should seriously look at either this one or the Catherine/Keppler,it would boost my self esteem if I were him.
Lionheart07 said:
"He also said that he checked out online forums, and realized it was a mistake, because he read a lot of comments about him being ugly, lol!!!"

Awwwwww...poor guy.Who would say something like that?!!I want to know what message boards he was looking at.Lol,he should seriously look at either this one or the Catherine/Keppler,it would boost my self esteem if I were him.
Its probably the CSI forums on the CBS website. The forum there is unmoderated so there are lots of rude posts. But don't worry, Liev was with cool it and was joking about it lol. :D But he said he'll take time off from playing creepy roles.
Urgh! Those unmoderated forums! How dare they say Leiv is...UGLY.

On a happier note, congrats to Leiv! We should write a letter or a card or something! LOL. :lol:
Hahaha, Liev is far from ugly! I'm upset I missed the Conan broadcast though. I'll have to keep an eye out for any reruns, I suppose.
I taped it so i can watch it over a million times. :lol: Ohh,I also hope Naomi has a boy cuz then i could have a chance with him.HAha.Yeahh.Then it would be the same age difference between me and Lievs son as it is between me and Liev.Yes,he is a great actor.I bought 3 of his movies off of a few days ago.Cant wait to get them!
I saw Pablo Schreiber in "The Manchurian Candidate" and hes hot but not quite as hot as Liev.
I watched it again and Liev said he was honored that in the end, when his character got killed, he earned the trust of the CSI fans.

Oh yeah I agree Liev is hotter than Pablo.
I didn't know that he'll be in the upcoming movie Love in the Time of Cholera, I love that book, I can't wait to watch the movie.
Oh please...Leiv is way hotter than his brother! :D

And Leiv didn't need to get killed off for ME to accept him...I did the first time I saw him in "Sweet Jane". He was different, but intersting as well. :lol:
forensics_girl said:
Oh please...Leiv is way hotter than his brother! :D

And Leiv didn't need to get killed off for ME to accept him...I did the first time I saw him in "Sweet Jane". He was different, but intersting as well. :lol:

wait? he has a brother? where was I the last couple of days??? I'm not sure why I didn't read all that before, but that's cool. Anyone know what his brother has been in?
Snipped BIO from IMDB of Isaac Liev Schreiber

Date of birth: 4 October 1967,
San Francisco, California,

Son of actor Tell Schreiber and Heather. Has four half brothers and one half sister, including brother Pablo Schreiber.

His mother says she named him after her favorite author, Leo Tolstoy. His father says he was named after a doctor in San Francisco who saved his mother's life. Last name means "writer" in German.

After his parents divorced, he and his siblings saw their father very little during childhood.

Prefers to keep his dating life private.although he has been romantically linked to actress Kristin Davis and to film producer Kate Driver (Minnie Driver's sister). He accompanied his girlfriend 'Naomi Watts (I)' to the King Kong (2005) premiere in New York. It was their first public appearance together. On February 28, 2007, they announced they are expecting their first child

Personal Quote
"It's not easy being 6' 3" and being called 'Huggy'." - on the nickname he's had since childhood.
Oh, that's where I saw Pablo! In a recent episode of Law and Order: SVU! I think he played a "druggie boyfriend/gone good/mistaken as a father of girlfriend's baby" character!

I enjoyed his performance.
edog said: wait? he has a brother? where was I the last couple of days??? I'm not sure why I didn't read all that before, but that's cool. Anyone know what his brother has been in?

I only learned that Leiv had a brother a couple of days ago too, when I was reading the thread.

Cool, I don't watch Law and Order, but I might check it out.