Liev/Keppler Thread #1

Well, maybe they had to promote Keppler a lot cause it was a big deal...I mean, he was replacing Grissom for a few episodes, and everyone loves Grissom. Right?
Lionheart07 said:

Apparently I'm image stupid because that didn't work.Above is a link to a pic of Liev I found at a premire or something or other.He's very pretty. ;-)

Oooo...his eyes...they're so...mysterious! LOL! :D
Lionheart07 said:

Apparently I'm image stupid because that didn't work.Above is a link to a pic of Liev I found at a premire or something or other.He's very pretty. ;-)

Yes, yes he is. (Speaking of, I love the image in your signature. I wonder if there's a hi-res version floating around somewhere...)

Quick question for everybody: Has anyone here seen The Manchurian Candidate (2004)? Schreiber's character is very similar to Mike, to the point that sometimes I'll mentally refer to Keppler as "Raymond" without intending to.

I think Mike's probably a nicer guy than Raymond, but it could still work as a cracktastic politics AU. ;)
Nope. Haven't seen "The Manchurian Candidate. What's it about anyway? Now I have to get "The Omen" AND this! Might as well buy all the films that have Liev Schreiber in it! :D

AureliaPriscus: I love your banner!
I just got done watching The Manchurian Candidate!(I watched it last night and today :lol:) I am so in love with Liev.He was topless THREE times in this movie.AND,he cried once which made me want to cry.Gosh,he is so hot and such a good actor.Hes in a movie called The Daytrippers thats on this week that i cant wait to tape and watch.Im way excited!Heres a picture of him from The Manchurian Candidate and here is just a super cute pic of him.
forensics_girl said:
Nope. Haven't seen "The Manchurian Candidate. What's it about anyway? Now I have to get "The Omen" AND this! Might as well buy all the films that have Liev Schreiber in it! :D

AureliaPriscus: I love your banner!

... um. *may already be an unapologetic Liev Schreiber fangirl surprise, surprise* I don't own them all, but I've seen most of them.

"The Manchurian Candidate" is a remake of a classic 1962 film that stars Denzel Washington, Meryl Streep, and, duh, Liev Schreiber.

Major Bennett Marco (Washington) is a career military man, haunted by nightmares about the fateful day during the Gulf War when his patrol was attacked. Ostensibly, he remembers how it happened: Sgt. Raymond Shaw (Schreiber) singlehandedly saved their lives and even received the Medal of Honor for his efforts. But now Shaw, a congressman, is on the verge of winning the Vice Presidency and faced with the horrifying images in his dreams Marco can't help but wonder if everything is as it seems.

In sum: It's a story about brainwashing and government conspiracies and poor, screwed up Raymond, who really needs a hug. Really.

Rent the original, too, because Raymond is worth the effort in any form. Yes, I'm incredibly biased. Did I mention he's a lot like Mike?

For additional crack, try "The Sum Of All Fears" for covert-ops Liev, who's few scenes John Clark make the movie tolerable, and if you can put up with the fact it's actually a goofy romantic comedy starring Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman he makes for entertaining comic relief in "Kate & Leopold." Liev's one of those actors that can make anything watchable, with the possible exception of "Scream 3".

Oh, and thank you. Flack, Mike and Catherine make me happy. *_*
*Bangs head on table* MUST GET LIEV FILMS! MUST GET LIEV FILMS! I really want to watch "The Manchurian Candidate", "The Sum of All Fears", "Kate and Leopold" and "The Omen", in that order too.

AureliaPriscus: Those people make me happy too! Grr...*jealous that you have a fabulous banner and I don't*
The Manchurian Candidate and The Omen are great movies! I have seen them like three times. I really like Liev Schrieber. Just great actor and man. And the role of Michael Keppler was just for him! :)
forensics_girl said:
*Bangs head on table* MUST GET LIEV FILMS! MUST GET LIEV FILMS! I really want to watch "The Manchurian Candidate", "The Sum of All Fears", "Kate and Leopold" and "The Omen", in that order too.

I've always wanted to see these movies. Now I have one good reason to. :D
I have a lot of pics of Liev in the "shipper central" forum under the Catherin/Keppler thread.One of them is of him shirtless.I'll go ahead a put a few of the same ones on here too.Also,AureliaPriscus is right.Raymond really really needs a hug.I'll do it!I have seen "The Manchurian Candidate",and "The Omen 666",and I can't find Kate and Leopold anywhere *growls*.I lovelovelove TMC.Liev does a wonderful job in it.Did anyone watch the "Liev Schreiber Screen Test" on the speacial feactures on the DVD?So funny.Anyway,here are three pics,the rest are on that thread.

^^^Semi-shirtless Liev

Wet Liev

^^^ SHIRTLESS swimming Liev
Lionheart07: You're everywhere with your pictures! I keep bumping into you! :lol:

BTW, when you're finished with hugging Leiv, can I be next? LOL.
My sister told me this weekend that Liev is in the remake of The Manchurian Canidate sounds like one I need to check out
and great pics Lionheart07 he is sexy in his own way and yes his EYES are fantastic
Nice pics Lionheart.I did see the "Liev Schreiber screen test"(more than once!).It was funny and he is so darn cute when he smiles.

Im in line after you,forensicsgirl.