Liev/Keppler Thread #1

On the one hand, I realize that dark, tortured and a little sinister was the ideal way to introduce a character like Keppler, but on the other it kind of saddens me that it took so long for TPTB to ease off the antagonism his character is supposed to create early on (with "Redrum" as the case in point). They only had four episodes to play with this guy and I'm not sure that the "reverse forensics" us-versus-them incident didn't make it considerably harder for some fen to warm to him later, even when the truth about his past came out.

I almost wish they'd made his dossier obligatory reading before his first episode's release -- then suddenly "Sweet Jane" would've made sense. (If you haven't rewatched it since "Law of Gravity," do. It's heartbreaking.)
I think Liev did a terrific job in his short stint as Keppler. I hated how he went out, too sad.
Here here! Short and sweet. Why did they have to kill him off? :(
But still, I'm glad I'm not alone when I say I enjoyed his character, even if he was a dark, tormented soul. Kind of odd that I've always seen him in dark roles (then again, I've only seen him in 2 movies, both of them horror movies).
Anyway, I can honestly say that "Keppler" turned me into a Liev Schreiber fan.
In fact, I was surprised when I found out he would be doing an off-Broadway play here, and I'm currently looking forward to seeing him in Eric Bogosian's play 'Talk Radio' - hopefully in a few weeks. :)
Let me put it this way: Liev did an excellent job in potraying a totally evil character. However , if you were to ask me to trust Keppler...well, i'd make sure he didn't have a knife in the other hand!
Keppler made a pact with the Devil and , when he tried to brake it, the demonic forces consumed him! :devil:
Why did they have to kill him off? :(
Anyway, I can honestly say that "Keppler" turned me into a Liev Schreiber fan.
In fact, I was surprised when I found out he would be doing an off-Broadway play here, and I'm currently looking forward to seeing him in Eric Bogosian's play 'Talk Radio' - hopefully in a few weeks. :)

I know! Its so not fair!He shouldnt have died,that way he could come back every once in a while.Keppler turned me into a Liev Schreiber FANATIC!! Seriously,I have become very much obsessed with this man.He is amazing!I want to see every movie he has ever been in :p YOU are LUCKY.I would love to see him in a play :eek:
I agree! I have to admit, no one can replace Grissom, but I thought Liev Schreiber did a great job as potraying Keppler. At first, when I read about Grissom's sabbatical, and this 'new guy' was replacing him, I was like 'NO WAY!!!' and I thought Keppler would be annoying and I would want to push him out a window. But was I wrong! I started to like right him after 'Sweet Jane'! I wish they didn't kill him off...and Catherine's reaction when they said Keppler was dead actually made me cry! :(
evel_queen27 said:
He shouldnt have died,that way he could come back every once in a while.

Yeah, that's exactly how I felt. I think Liev Schreiber is a great actor, and he did a good job in CSI. I (like a lot of people I think) thought they didn't need to bring anyone new in whilst Grissom went on his sabbatical, after all the cast is big enough and strong enough to cope without him. But Keppler turned out to be a good character, and I would have loved to see him as a recurring role. Obviously I knew that wasn't going to happen as soon as he turned out to be a killer! I did have a little sob at the end, but then I will cry at most things... ;)

I thought it was interesting how everyone seemed to grow to like Keppler even after the 'reverse forensics' debacle, and even when they knew all was not as it seemed they still kind of stood by him. I would have liked to see him in more episodes, I think it is sad that they killed him off just as Grissom got back, I would have liked them to keep him on for a while.

I'll miss him, but I think this has shown that it is possible to add to the cast and not lose any of what makes the show great (imo). :)
how was keppler evil? he killed someone he thought assaulted the woman he was in love with. weve already learned just about everyone on the vegas team would kill to protect their loved ones.
he made a huge mistake, probably under the influence of frank, and paid the ultimate price for it. a very good storyline but one i know none of us would want for the regulars.
VManso said:
Keppler made a pact with the Devil and , when he tried to brake it, the demonic forces consumed him! :devil:

:p More like the Devil, through some combination of manipulation and brainwashing, seized control of an otherwise innocent, good person who eventually broke free. There's no consent when a grief-stricken kid (Keppler was what, 17?) is counselled to murder by a supposedly loving, caring authority figure.

I'm still half-convinced that Frank is a demon, Supernatural style, but I'm a dork like that. ^^;;
He was 17 when it happened?
I thought that he was older. A cop allready.
I was under the impression that it was, well not recent, but recent enough, like 10 years ago, around mid 20s
pabzi said:
He was 17 when it happened?
I thought that he was older. A cop allready.
I was under the impression that it was, well not recent, but recent enough, like 10 years ago, around mid 20s

Nah, according to his dossier Amy was his high-school sweetheart. He hadn't even graduated when she died.
Wow. So he was just a kid! In the dreams/flashbacks, he looked the same as he looks So now he's about 35, right? So it was about 18 years ago....
pabzi said:
Wow. So he was just a kid! In the dreams/flashbacks, he looked the same as he looks So now he's about 35, right? So it was about 18 years ago....

Part of the problems is that is dreams are confused jumbles of images -- not actual representations of reality. You can tell the actual murder was committed by young!Mike, but later in that scene he morphs into older!Mike (because dreams are weird and, I'd guess, the audiences needed to be certain who it was they were seeing).

So yeah, just a kid. Father died when he was a toddler, too. Frank must've been elated when Amy brought home Mike -- guy was destined to be easy pickings for the manipulative types from the start.
allmaple said:
how was keppler evil? he killed someone he thought assaulted the woman he was in love with. weve already learned just about everyone on the vegas team would kill to protect their loved ones.
he made a huge mistake, probably under the influence of frank, and paid the ultimate price for it. a very good storyline but one i know none of us would want for the regulars.

Didn't Grissom say to his co-workers, in the aftermath of "Unfriendly Skies" , that it had to do with the victim, not the suspect??