Liev/Keppler Thread #1

that was a different situation where the victim actually was not a danger to the people. catherine has bent the rules so many times theres no way shed sit idley by if she was convinced someone raped her daughter.

but like AureliaPriscus said, he was 17, in love, and probably being coached by frank. he was young, impressionable, and majorly screwed up. where is the evil and where is the deal with the devil? even up until the day he died, keppler had no idea he killed an innocent man. the evil one was frank, not keppler. he got caught up in it.
I think Keppler was probably 18 when Amy died, still high school sweethearts, this was found on a couple sites as a back story about him, though its also up on Wikipedia (Snipping).

When he was a junior, Keppler met Amy, a freshman.

Keppler and Amy fell in love. During his senior year, they planned to get married after she was finished with high school.

Also before people say they aren't right all the time, their source of info "References: Excerpted and paraphrased biography", Anyway I am guessing he was 18 or a bit older from what it says above and at the site. As to the year he was born it only states that he was born in the late 1960's. ;)
I, too, was a bit confused on his age. I must have missed the highschool thing when reading over the dossier.

Yeah, I don't think Keppler was evil either. Just an impressionable kid undergoing incredible grief over his girlfriend's suicide coupled with the fact that he killed her supposed rapist.
It does make sense too when he was looking at the card that said when Amy died (the scene in your banner edog)... in 1985 that was over 20 years ago
so I would put Keppler about MY age ..late 30's

and he was a 'slave' to Amy's father for all that time
and it took him possibly moving to Vegas to realize he needs to set things straight with Frank and move on with his life... to bad it ended in the process
hhunter said:
It does make sense too when he was looking at the card that said when Amy died (the scene in your banner edog)... in 1985 that was over 20 years ago
so I would put Keppler about MY age ..late 30's

and he was a 'slave' to Amy's father for all that time
and it took him possibly moving to Vegas to realize he needs to set things straight with Frank and move on with his life... to bad it ended in the process

I get the sense that he's been trying to break free of Frank, do the right thing and start a new life since he moved from Trenton to Philadelphia (same again in Baltimore). I guess after Vegas he realized there was nowhere else to run -- or, at least, that it was futile to try.
I think he didn't wear a vest, because maybe he thought he could trust Frank and didn't think he was going to shoot him. I didn't think Frank had the guts to shoot Keppler, but at least Keppler had enough life left in him to shoot Frank and kill him.
SpeedleCSIMiami said:
I think he didn't wear a vest, because maybe he thought he could trust Frank and didn't think he was going to shoot him. I didn't think Frank had the guts to shoot Keppler, but at least Keppler had enough life left in him to shoot Frank and kill him.

If he'd trusted Frank to keep him alive, he wouldn't have left the hand and his cellphone in the middle of nowhere for the surviving CSIs to find. I suspect it's something akin to "suicide by cop" -- he probably didn't plan to have to step in front of a bullet, but his mindset was sufficiently self-destructive at the time that I could easily see him having nothing to live for after Frank's arrest.
AureliaPriscus said:
If he'd trusted Frank to keep him alive, he wouldn't have left the hand and his cellphone in the middle of nowhere for the surviving CSIs to find. I suspect it's something akin to "suicide by cop" -- he probably didn't plan to have to step in front of a bullet, but his mindset was sufficiently self-destructive at the time that I could easily see him having nothing to live for after Frank's arrest. did seem like Keppler's world was crashing down on him, and that he didn't have anything else to live for. And he did kill an innocent man after all...It would be hard to live with that burden everyday.
I love Liev.I love Keppler. :-D

Anyway,I seriously disagree with the people that say Keppler was too "one-dimensional" that is about as far away from the fact as you can get.He was such a complicated character that we instantly mistrusted him and hated him.He grew more complicated as the story grew on.He was boring either;you were always asking "who is that girl" or "why did he shoot that guy".Thats what makes a good character; when you have to keep questioning yourself.YOu keep wondering how it is going to turn out,and thats what keeps you on the edge of your seat.

BTW:I never saw the first two episodes that Liev was in,I only saw the last two,and loved him in both.

Also,Liev is a really nice guy in reality.Check out a few of the movies he has been in.

I thought keppler was far from one- dimensional and I think Liev played him brilliantly. I'm really impressed with him and especially the writers for being able to get me so attached to a character in just four episodes. I definatly dont think he trusted frank, I mean, he left the gun for csi to get!! but I do agree he was in a self destructive manid set. When he told cathrine it was "too late" i think he meant he was going to run, but at the same time he didnt seem overly concerned he would get caught. He knew how good the team were and that they would find the motel, but i think he was clouded by what he found about frank and amiee.
I loved also Cathrines attachment to keppler- trusting his reverse forensics and also her reaction in the final moments.
pixies said: I loved also Cathrines attachment to keppler- trusting his reverse forensics and also her reaction in the final moments.

I agree! I really liked how Catherine accepted him, while the rest of the team seemed to not trust him as much. If only Keppler was alive so that we can see the relationship between him and Catherine progress-either friendship or romance. I also wanted to see how Grissom and Keppler would work with each other. I bet it would be really interesting to see how Grissom interacts with him.

And as for Catherine's reaction in Law of Gravity? One word: Heartbreaking. It was so sad. I actually had some tears in my eyes-and I don't cry that easily!

Overall, I think it was a superb performace by Liev! Loved him! :D
I'm really starting to like him more and more every day. Sucks that he had to die.
The only thing that sort of bothers me is that eh was very commercial and promotional. I'm not sure if it's understood exactly what I mean...but...he was over advertised, ans a huge monstrosity of a big deal was made about him. To attract viewers. As much as I do like Keppler, stuff like that bugs me. CSI is a popular show as it is. I'm not saying that they should not haev brought in Kep. No, not at all saying that, I just wished that they hadn't over advertised him.