Liev/Keppler Thread #1

Ooo...he looks so handsome. :)

I love the picture at the top. Very mysterious... :D

THE PAINTED VEIL, HERE I COME!!! *runs off to search it on google*
I'm going to watch "The Painted Veil" very soon,it's on the cinemas here. ;)
Anyway,I think there's no much Liev on it as I think he's the guy N.Watts cheats on her husband,Edward Norton,and the reason why they move to a remote place in China.

btw,Liev looks much better without the beard and so does William Petersen. ;)
I like the beard on Liev. I'm not sure I can put into words what I like about it yet, but I'll think on it.

As for WP, I like him without it. The beard rounds out his face too much, or something. My mom has been a big fan of WP for years now (even before CSI) and she doesn't like the beard either.
Liev looks good with some scruff, I saw him with a full mustashe, UMM NO

as for WP
FOLLOW ME >>> to the Grissom thread to find out my opinion of the beard :devil:
I saw The Painted Veil yesterday

it was great.. more of a 'chick flic' than anything but a great movie.
Liev was awesome (as usual) and his character is 'not so nice'
that's all I'm going to say for now....:devil:

I was telling some people in the theater that Liev was on CSI and one woman said..."wow, we have to start watching that show"
Liev got a high complement :)
did you tell her he was only on for a few episodes? If I started watching a show to see an actor and he didn't appear...I'd be upset. Because that's why I watch some movies.
I see a movie or a show and I'm like 'wow, awesome/favorite actor now/ever,' so I get online and order all the actor's movies. wonder I can't save any money. :lol:
I'm actually starting to miss Keppler, looking back I like his character even more now that he is gone. I also think he is gonna do great on Broadway, "Talk Radio" has a great script, and I think it is a role that fits Liev well.
spasticfangirl said:
I think most people didn't respect the actor or the character until they killed him off. shame :(

I totally agree. I think most watchers didn't want someone to fill in for Grissom, (me included) until we saw him
I agree. Keppler certainly increased my interest in the show. I wasn't having to difficult a time tuning in each week, mind you, just something about him brought back that tingling, can't-wait-till-the-next-episode feeling.

Also, just wanted to drop in and add a fun fact. Ned Beatty guest starred in Liev's first episode "Sweet Jane" as the unforgiving Dr. Lowry. Both Beatty and Liev starred in the movie Spring Forward back in 2000. Either it's a small world or Liev suggested Beatty act out the part. Either or, that was a great episode.
Keppler renewed mine too.. although no one can replace Grissom!!!
Yes, althought he was only in 4 epsisodes it made you go... what's going to happen next? What is going on with this guy???