Liev/Keppler Thread #1

OMG are you serious? I just watched the episode I would have loved that!!!

The episode already aired so no need for spoiler right Destiny??
Haha, I hope I'm not making it up. It is late though.

I thought I read some people post on the first or second page of the Big Shots thread about it. Anyway, that would've really made the episode for me, if that would have happened.
If its after it has aired in all time zones of the U.S then it is no longer considered a spoiler, we say be safe and think of all time zones in the U.S ending at 1am (thursday/friday). So the time on that post would be 1:23 am and considered safe. ;)
A Keppler thread! Woo Hoo! :D

As I could go all day on THIS subject, I need to focus on the reason I am posting this morning....

For all you Keppler fans out there, you will truly enjoy this which I found on the CBS boards. During the four episodes, fans were able to call Keppler's cell phone. When you did, you would hear messages from "Frankie", and from them fans would gain clues to what the storyline was. After TPTB "killed off" Keppler, this number was disconnected.
However, a few weeks ago ( estimate ), it would seem Keppler's cell is back on! Some fans were fooling around, and decided to call the number again. Turns out you are able to hear the first message from "Frankie", then it hangs up.

Interesting, eh? Being the person that I am, I had to try it. It is true. :D

If you wish to try it for yourself the number is 1-609-910-3200.

I cannot wait for the phone bill to come in , and dad wondering what all the 609 numbers are. :devil:
omg thats amazing mind you i imagine it would cost alot for people to call from abroad. oh well heres a pic for us to drool over :D
we get to see his episodes starting this week can't wait
everyone has said he did weell so im looking forward to it
Hiya, MissKraft! Yes, please do go on all day about Liev! No one here will get bored. :D

Also, interesting to hear about the number, but I'll try it next month. I'm over my minutes already and calling a 609 number is probably not a good thing right now!
*bumping thread*
People what's happened gotta keep keppler alive and well
hello check out my new icon ;)
Well i have seen kepplers first ep Sweet Jane and oh my how fine is he in that suit. i think he has done really well in his first ep and im looking forward to next week the infamous reverse forensics ep.
Just want to hug him
Hey, that's a great icon, grssom89. I recently changed my icon to Keppler as well. :grin:

Sweet Jane was one of my favs of the season, just because it introduced us to Keppler. And yeah, Ned Beatty was just creepy as the dentist.

Liev just has awesome stage presence to begin with, so I was automatically drawn to Keppler from the start.

btw, awesome cap. :)
grssom89 wait to you see Redrum and Meet Market (Redrum is really good ;) )

He is such a great actor and I think Liev did a fantastic job on CSI