Let's Talk Gay

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^^You got moved out of the detention room? Uhh where did they put you? The Detention Detention room? Yeesh!!

Negative opinion suck. I mean, everyones entitled to an opinion, but when you're extremly mean about it, you're less entitled if you ask me :lol: (Okay, so no one asked me, but I don't care :lol:)
AshleyWillows said:
"Oh look at little ms. gay rights."

:lol: I swear, is that the best insult they could come up with?? :lol: :rolleyes:

I'd gladly go to detention for sticking up for something I believe in. People just don't seem to understand that everyone deserves to be happy, gay or straight. It doesn't matter whom you prefer, men or women, it's the same idea. Everyone's looking for love. It doesn't matter if they have boobs or not :rolleyes:

On another note I was watching Friends a few minutes ago and Monica's going to cater for this lesbian wedding and she comes in and says, "How cute is this-- lesbian wedding, chicken breasts!!" :lol: I thought that was funny :p
I am slightly confused. I thought I was straight, then I thought I was gay, then I thought I was bi, then I thought I was straight, now I don't know what to think. Cause guys can be complete a$$holes and jerks (even though i currently like one). But girls are sweeter and more sympathetic. I was so sure I was straight, but whenever I'm watching tv I find myself thinking 'she looks so hot in this episode' or something like that. But then I think I might just be thinking like that because I'm always let down by guys (mainly my dad) A stupid reason but I'm so confused and I just want to figure it out. All my friends know their straight or gay. I don't know, I mean I might be bi...but I just don't know.
Imperfect said:
I am slightly confused. I thought I was straight, then I thought I was gay, then I thought I was bi, then I thought I was straight, now I don't know what to think. Cause guys can be complete a$$holes and jerks (even though i currently like one). But girls are sweeter and more sympathetic. I was so sure I was straight, but whenever I'm watching tv I find myself thinking 'she looks so hot in this episode' or something like that. But then I think I might just be thinking like that because I'm always let down by guys (mainly my dad) A stupid reason but I'm so confused and I just want to figure it out. All my friends know their straight or gay. I don't know, I mean I might be bi...but I just don't know.

One day you will find out. You will meet this one person, male or female, who makes you feel so amazing that you realise you truly love that person.

And I wonder why people always feel the need to label everything and everybody? They just want to push you in a corner named "gay" and want you to stay there for the rest of your life. Well, not me. I like going from one place to another.

I am kinda hard to put a label on and I like it that way. People sometimes say "So, you're gay?" And I looked at them. "I am Christel.. nice to mee you too"

See the look on their faces! Priceless. :lol:
^^ lol. I've decided to call myself bi-confused. Honestly I don't know if it's normal for girls to think other girls are hot and be attracted to them but still be straight. :confused: I guess I never really asked another girl that before... I give up. I'm taking this advice, screw labels, I'm just going to like whoever I decide to like and not care what it's called... :lol:
Yeah good for you. Labels are for other people to identify you. I always thought that labels encourage sterotypes. They are only useful once your 100% sure about what you want, if not screw em!
Yeah, labels are weirdd. Kinda pointles too, I mean, why do you we have to catorgorize everybody by their sexuality, what they where, their race, their favorite foods etc. It's kind of really stupid.
I've never heard anyone lable someone by there favorite food... but I agree. Godd advice SaraSidle_girl . Thanks. I think I will stick with no lable on me :p seeing as (like gregslabmouse) I'm not quite sure if girls are allowed to be attracted to other girls and still be straight. So you no what, I am going to screw all lables.
Yeah, labels are lame, It's just a way for people to look at you without getting to know you.

gregslabmouse, I love the "bi-confused", that's a great way to look at it. I really like it. :)

Friday, I was watching Ellen Degeneres[sp?], and it was like a special pregnancy one, and she was "pregnant" and I was like "Wait what?" and than my friends pointed out it was a chasity belt. I don't know it was funny though.
I went to a friend's birthdaypart today and she had some wierd information to share.

She had read some sort of study in which it turned out lesbian women have 50% more chances to get Alzeimers desease than straight women..

And I went like "WTF... what's the point in that study?!"
SaraSidle_girl said:
I went to a friend's birthdaypart today and she had some wierd information to share.

She had read some sort of study in which it turned out lesbian women have 50% more chances to get Alzeimers desease than straight women..

And I went like "WTF... what's the point in that study?!"

:lol: I would love to hear the argument to back that one up :p That's like saying all women with brown hair have a 50% more chance of getting Alzeimers or women with blue eyes :rolleyes: I guess I don't get the logic in that, call me crazy. Or just call me gay, one or the other ;)
What? Now your sexuality decides whether you're going to get Alzeimers? I would really like to know how the heck that works :lol: Wow. My mom works with alzimer patients, and all the girls are straight, haven't met a lesbian there yet :p
Thanks for the encouragement guys :p

Why do people do studies on stupid stuff like that? Can't they waste money on something more useful? It seems like they're just trying to deter people from being gay...

"Watch out girls! You'll get Alzheimers! Just date a dude already!" :lol:
If I have to date a guy in order to not get Alzeimer, I'd settle for the desease already :D

I agree with the spending money on more suitable studies, like a cure for aids or something
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