Let's Talk Gay

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Agreed, it should go something more suitable, like aids or cancer, not proving whether lesbians have a larger chance of getting Alzeimers or not.

Haha, today I was walking down the street telling a story and about a teacher saying it was obvious what I believed in. Then Allie was like "no, I thought you were totally homophobic" and I was like "yes, yes I am" then I slapped myself. And I was like "owe, that actually hurt!!!" :lol: So now I'm homophobic and hate myself :p
gregslabmouse said:
"Watch out girls! You'll get Alzheimers! Just date a dude already!" :lol:

:lol: That sounds like some sort of slogan :rolleyes: It wouldn't surprise me if it becomes one one day.

My older sister has the entire series of Da Ali G show and the other day we were watching it and as his character Bruno he was talking to this Christian pastor (no offense to Christians, I am Christian :)) and he was asking him about his view on homosexuality because the pastor was actually a 'gay-straight convertor'. It was hilarious :lol:

Bruno: So are you saying that if I were to give you a lapdance right now you would not be turned on?
Pastor Dude: Yes, that is correct.
Bruno: Can I try?

:lol: But a lot of the things the pastor said were ridiculous. Bruno asked him if watching Will & Grace was considered unholy and sinful and he said yes. He said it was 'ungodlike'. What do you consider 'godlike'? You know what God also said? He said to not judge people.
I worry about people spreadin messages like that. Because if they find people who actually hear them and believe the crap they are spreading.. the world may become actually even worse than it is already.

Fact is, too many people already believe the crap that is shared on homosexuality! Too many are blind, is my oppinion. And oppinions like those shared in the answer above is why in so many countries gays hardly have any rights, starting with the US.

The US is profiling istself to be progressive and stuff but with Bush for president gays barely had any rights. Gay marriage? Its like swearing in Church.. mention the word gay and they all freak out.

Thank God (the one that doesn't judge!) for living in Holland. When I find the right woman, I'll marry her and no one gets to stop me from doing so! :D
SaraSidle_girl said:
Fact is, too many people already believe the crap that is shared on homosexuality! Too many are blind, is my oppinion. And oppinions like those shared in the answer above is why in so many countries gays hardly have any rights, starting with the US.

The US is profiling istself to be progressive and stuff but with Bush for president gays barely had any rights. Gay marriage? Its like swearing in Church.. mention the word gay and they all freak out.

Thank God (the one that doesn't judge!) for living in Holland. When I find the right woman, I'll marry her and no one gets to stop me from doing so! :D

President Bush is a republican and doesn't like change, gays, or abortion. I think the US needs a democratic president. I know gay marrige is still allowed in Massachusetts but I don't know if it is anywhere else.
CSI_Sidle2399 said:
SaraSidle_girl said:
Fact is, too many people already believe the crap that is shared on homosexuality! Too many are blind, is my oppinion. And oppinions like those shared in the answer above is why in so many countries gays hardly have any rights, starting with the US.

The US is profiling istself to be progressive and stuff but with Bush for president gays barely had any rights. Gay marriage? Its like swearing in Church.. mention the word gay and they all freak out.

Thank God (the one that doesn't judge!) for living in Holland. When I find the right woman, I'll marry her and no one gets to stop me from doing so! :D

President Bush is a republican and doesn't like change, gays, or abortion. I think the US needs a democratic president. I know gay marrige is still allowed in Massachusetts but I don't know if it is anywhere else.

Bush is a major threat for society.

*just stating my oppinion here* :)
Yeah, I live in Canada, but I do highly dislike Bush. (My personal opinion, please don't kill me) not just because he doesn't like gays (which bothers me so much), but because he's fighting a war we are bound not to win. It's been going on for years and years and years, and he somehow thinks with his big expensive guns and his soilders he's going to be able to stop it. Which I have my doubts, I really do.

As for gay marriage, I do believe that it is legal all throughout Canada. I think, unless they changed it :p

But I do know for sure Alberta (province). In Calgary they are trying so hard to attrack gay tourists (I really don't know why, but they are) :p
I don't know if anyone mentioned it, but gay marriage is now legal in England and Wales since 2004. :) Elton John got married here.
It's quite something since England tends to be so stuck in it's ways sometimes. :rolleyes:
I'm an American and I don't really like Bush. It's because of a lot of things, namely this war that we're probably going to lose and there's not much point becauyse we're just dying over there. But, back on topic...

I'm hoping our next president is for gay marriage, because it should be illegal to forbid it! It says in the constitution that all people are created equal, and should have equal rights therefore. It's just as bad as racism, because it's the same thing- not allowing people to do something everyone else cam because they're different.
I hate the fact that so many people are against Rudy (Republican pres. candidate) JUST because he supports gay rights. Everyone seems to think that's an abomination to Republicans or something. *grumbles*
I don't like Bush, he claims to be so rightous and yet he was a C average student who thinks Africa's a country? Ugh, Done.

hahaha Tomorrow's my last detention day. :D I'm really mad about it, like seriously, I get detention for telling someone how wrong they are.

I'm all for gay marriage, why shouldn't people be able to marry someone of the same sex?

Awww, I watched the Real World finale on the afternoon sneak and I cried for Davis, he's so confussed and I'm just like so sympathetic towards him :(
AshleyWillows awesome that tomorrow's your last detention day. It's so stupid go got a detention over that though. But, you stuck up for what you believed in, and to me, that's amazingly brave and really all the matters in the end. Although detention deserves to be stabbed :p
AshleyWillows, I think what you did was incredibly brave, as CW said, and that it was the right thing to do. If they're going to give you detention for that they might as well give you detention for getting good grades. I admire you for sticking up for what you believe in and being the voice that everyone should have. :)
I think my avatar pretty much sums up my opinion of George W Bush... :rolleyes: ;)

Tonight my grandmother was saying how she doesn't understand why gay people want to come out to everybody. I didn't exactly get what she meant at first but she meant people who scream it to the entire world. Most people I find that do that are pushed by media influences (because most of them are celebrities). My mom said something like, "But it is hard for them to come out to their families..." so I could tell she was sort of trying to help me out there :lol:
cainesugar said:
I'm an American and I don't really like Bush. It's because of a lot of things, namely this war that we're probably going to lose and there's not much point becauyse we're just dying over there. But, back on topic...

I'm hoping our next president is for gay marriage, because it should be illegal to forbid it! It says in the constitution that all people are created equal, and should have equal rights therefore. It's just as bad as racism, because it's the same thing- not allowing people to do something everyone else cam because they're different.

yea I want the same president as you. I just can't believe they can ban gay marrige because of what the constitution says. That doesn't make gays have equal rights.
quoth_the_raven said:
I think my avatar pretty much sums up my opinion of George W Bush... :rolleyes: ;)

Tonight my grandmother was saying how she doesn't understand why gay people want to come out to everybody. I didn't exactly get what she meant at first but she meant people who scream it to the entire world. Most people I find that do that are pushed by media influences (because most of them are celebrities). My mom said something like, "But it is hard for them to come out to their families..." so I could tell she was sort of trying to help me out there :lol:

Your avatar rocks!!!!!!!

AshleyWillows I am still proud of you for standing up like that! People should just learn to respect and accept another person for who they are. Sexuallity should never be a reason to give someone less rights. Neither is color, race, religion or sex..

Lately, gay marriage has been in the news in Holland too. Some Christian parties made it to the government (I still wonder what happened to my country... :rolleyes: ) and they wanted to forbid it once again. Just like they wanted to forbid abortion.

What right do religious people like them have to judge and decide for someone like me? If I get raped and get pregnant, I probably don't want the baby. But they want to prefend me from aborting it..?! Do they want that child to grow up, and realising his or her father was a rapist?! Or leave a woman with a child that will always remember her of the man who attacked her.. Adoption is the best option, those Christians say. Yeah right.. And I have to carry a baby for 9 months after being raped.. :rolleyes: Sure..

After I got raped, I was scared to death to be pregnant. And had I been, I would have had an abortion. For myself and for that child.. And no one would have stopped me!

Religious people like I mentioned here and people like president Bush, who has an IQ of I believe 85 or something, are a danger to society. They want to forbid, take away our rights.. Not just gay rights but any rights. Abortion, euthaniasia.. Basic rights for human beings to decide for their own life.. And that's how it should be.

Our life. Our decisions!
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