I want to tell my family, and I have a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't surprise some of my realitives. People in my family always kind of hint that they think I might be gay. I get given random odd tips from realitives because "they think I won't have a man around" and "I always seem to attrack to girls" so when I tell them, I'll probably have someone scream out "I was right" but, not quite ready yet. I want to wait another year or two, but I do think I'm going to tell my aunt soon. My aunts so sweet, and I know she will just be there and comfort me, she's really sweet, and will totally understand.
I remember when I first came out to my cousins, I felt like I was going to throw up because I was so scared. Like, my cousins and I are super close, so I was worried they wouldn't like me or something. But in the end, they didn't really care, my one cousin wouldn't believe me, but finally did. When I told my other cousin I called her in tears (when I broke up with my ex) and so, she didn't really have to long to think about it, and kind of just helped me for one be able to breathe properly and make me feel okay and later good.
But AshleyWillows, I'm glad that you're moms okay with it, and well, she kinda knows, so when you feel like telling her full on, it'll probably be a lot less scary.