Let's Talk Gay #3


Oh how I love the rainbow flag :D

We can make it, one day the world will be all gay!

Yay! Rainbows! That makes my day!

I must agree the world would be a lot more friendlier and colorful :lol: That sure sounds like a plan to me :p

So today, this guy was talking about my friend (who is straight) and my girlfriend (who is not straight :p) being lesbians. And the minute he says lesbian I just whip around and am like "yess?" :lol:. He was totally freaked out, because it used to make me throw things at him, but I don't bother, too much of a waste of perfect energy that could be used for something else :lol:.
ahaha count me in too! we shall take over the world togeter! :lol:

well yesterday i was walking with the losers i call friends and i didn't hear any part of the conversation except 'flaming lesbiosexual!' :lol: it was pretty awesome. then my friend (who i think is trying to convince herself she's not gay by saying she's in love with her gay bestfriend who's a guy) was saying she loves him and i sdaid something that pretty much made him realise (he is also in denial about being gay) she 'likes' him and then she was like 'allie you suck!'. i replied 'and how would that work?' so now she keeps saying 'allie you lick!' instead :lol:
I'm eating a banana! Yay bananass!!

I would like to inform you all that I'm a fagdykehomo :lol:. Okay, well, basically it goes along with Allie's "flaming lesbiosexual", only I didn't like that, so I decided I was a fagdykehomo. Because that sounds cool. The word lez used to be in there, but I got rid of it :p.

Oh yes, I also forgot to let you all know my other titles (now that I think of them :lol:). I'm also a flamboyant homosexual (who is 150% gay) and I'm also Lezzlie the lesbian fairy :lol:. (Yes, I do need a life, and new friends I think :lol:. Ahh, well, whatever :p)
Sorry, but I couldn't resist:


Hope this isn't inappropriate :p

I've never been called any names for being gay, apart from my best friend calling me homo. But it was all in good spirit and actually more funny than it was insulting...
Hey Esmee, nice to see you finally made your way around here! Wondered how long it was going to take before you's show up here!

Its been a pretty boring time for me. Work, work work. All I seem to do is work. Work is all I do between the times I fly to England to be with Kerry. Right now I am sick and sitting at home feeling bored cus there isnt much I can do.

Urgh... hate being sick!
Aww, welcome back and get well soon.

I'm bored too, I should go buy groceries though, before the store closes. Might even meet the dyke cashier who's been hitting on me...
I'm doing fine, apart from the boredom.

Me & my girl are gonna go to a lesbian film festival next weekend to watch a movie and of course to watch a bunch of lesbians :p

And the weekend after that we'll probably be at the local gays & friends party. Oughta be a lot of fun :D

Gotta enjoy the last days of summer break.
with reading here i am thinking that i really have to go to place with more gay people instead of sitting alone in my home.. So i will never meet someone.. Just kidding.

I love to hear your nicknames its cute and a lot of fun, never had a gay nickname at all..

To Chris i am not doing so fine, but holding on.. Just getting more enoyed (or how you write it, i dont know) by my ex.. She wanna be there for me right now but the world is still running around her.. So i am talking about her problems and that is the reason why i broke up with her.. So grrrr... Never mind.

I miss having a gay moment and i've i have one its when i watch tv and she a beautiful hot woman.. And then i am alone.. At work people are all straight, married and with kids, they look weird at me because i like woman.. Okay they are all believers i've you all get it..

Sorry long story i already be quit...