Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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ughhhhh I dont know how much longer i can take this....its close to 100 degrees F with no breeze. And my house doesnt have air conditioning....And its supposed to be this way until Wednesday of next week! And I heard on the news that we are on the verge of a drought.
Jayne You're totally right!! :lol:
And we can complain further, cause it's damn hot again, that air humidity is so high, you nearly faint, and then that rain, that was so not worth it... :mad:
So, that's enough, no we can go on :D
It's hot. At days over 35C and at nights over 20C. It didn't rain for over 5 weeks now. It drives me crazy, I need my rainy days. :(
Awe, I want it to rain again!!!! OMG! It's cloudy...maybe it'll rain again!! It rain and poured and hailed this morning, but I was sleeping, so I didn't even get to enjoy it!
YAY! it rained last night here....finally a break from the heat, it is amazing I was actually able to sleep with my duvet last night instead of rolling around endlessly...which I have found out only makes you more hot :p it is now cloudy and overcast.....Clouds:1.....Sun:0 I really hope this keeps up, any more +30 weather might actually turn me into a puddle because we sadly don't have air conditioning...Canada is supposed to be cold so you shouldn't need air conditioning but I don't believe my parents understand the concept of Global Warming
nawww, its not raining today. but its a beautiful sunny morning... not a cloud in sight (well, from my study window!) and its fairly cold.
The last couple of days it has been sooooo hot and humid, it rained today, but it didn't help it any, I think it just made it hotter and more humid, I HATE INDIANA WEATHER, one day it's beautiful out and the next, it's sooo damn hot and humid you can't breath outside, the minute you step outside your hair frizzes and start sweating in places you shouldn't.... :lol:
well it's 4.35am here sooo..not too sure yet ;)

however, i always wake up (sometime late afternoon :eek: ) and the sun is blasting through my window onto my duvet so i'm practically melting!

it's been such a weird summer here, i mean this is Scotland. we're known world wide for having crap weather a lot of the time :D
I think I'm going to like this day.. there's overcast.. nice breeze.. it's not too cold to be wearing a jacket, but it's not like I'll be immediately sweat my arse off when I step outside :D
It's about 28c here in London, a lot cooler than it has been. Still a bit too warm for my liking thou! :lol:

According to weather reports it's going to cool down a lot, but I'm not getting to excited just yet, at the moment the weather reports seem to change everytime I make myself a cup of tea - which is a lot! :lol:

Is anyone in LA? I read that the weather has been really hot there and people have been dying as a result! :eek: Apparently the weather topped 46c!!! :eek: Check this out on www.bbc.co.uk
Here it's 80 F with a humidity of 65%, and it should be getting hotter. Yesterday my mom went for a run at 4:30am and heard on the radio that it was already 75 F.
It's so so so hot here, I cant wait for a storm.
There is European Swimming Championship in the capital and there was a so big storm that it was almost interrupted.
So please, storm, come, come! :D
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