Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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good thing the weather has cooled down a bit in CA..it's been quite unbearable for the past 2 weeks....it sucks when you can't sleep and sweat from not doing anything!! :mad:
LtKitty said:
+26C, and right now it is night :p damit, i need those guys with big palm leaves who make some breeze between my bed :D
I hope I can find the girl-version of those.. the men can feed me grapes if they really want to :p

I hate to sleep with the window open because I live in the innercity, meaning lots of drunk people out on the streets at night and it seems as if they always choose my window to sit at :rolleyes: But it's so hot that I have to put it open to get some circulation in the room..

I have a feeling the weather is getting a tad colder.. well, less hot.
ahhh, where did winter go? its so hot today! this is supposed to be the middle of winter and i'm wearing short sleeves... its ridiculous! *sigh* i just hate to think how hot summers going to be...
At midnight it was around 8c... now it's 11am and 16c and I don't think it gets higher today. AND OMG! IT HAD RAINED DURING THE NIGHT!
It's been storming out all night long *I slept very well btw * and nevertheless it's still hot :mad:.
I don't understand, aren't temperatures supposed to be cooler after a storm ? :confused:.

The weather is CRAZY this summer
^^^ the weather is crazy!!
it was raining all night last night and its dry already and its only just stopped!!!

and its again too hot!!!
Ahh men, didn't sleep at all tonight! :mad: My room was above the 34 C tonight!

Today is getting above the 34 C outside, again !! Where are the good old rainy summers ?? :confused:
kimi said:
The weather is CRAZY this summer

I'll second that ^.

Hey Denise, what country are you in btw? You're not in England by any chance, are you?

Well, we had thunderstorms during the night apparently - it seems I slept through it all :rolleyes: But at least I got some sleep :D even though I had to leave my fan on all night again *hugs her fan* I think I'd be a melted puddle without it :lol:
Hey Denise, what country are you in btw? You're not in England by any chance, are you?

Wibble I'am near by, from Holland...
Love my fan also at the moment, only it's very noisy at night, but, you can't have everything! :lol:
The only weird thing about the summer has been... little of rain. Too little. Everything is just...dry.
I think last night is the hottest night we have had so far this year, I actually had to sleep with my fan on! It has continued to be hot up until now and probably will be hot for the rest of the day
Thunderstorms, hailstorms, heat and so on all day long...I'm sick of that now :mad:.
I'm dreaming of coolness and rain. My room looks like a "sauna" :(
^ We've had some rain here too - don't know what happened to those thunderstorms that were due this afternoon though.
Didnt get any rain today but still warmish today, only about 26C. BUT STILL FRIGGING HUMID. :rolleyes:
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