Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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well, today was around 12c for most of the day, then warmed up a little and got to around 20c for this afternoon, but considering that it's night now, it's gotten cold again

but hey, I'll take it, because I'm liking the freezing-ness of this winter a whole lot more than the usual summers over here, so YAY for winter! :D
21ºC and rainy here.
I don't envy people of the center and the south that are melting or the ones in the east with a jellyfish invasion lol.
I would so love to live in the giant fridge that is Finland. :lol:

Tinkerbell What do you think of Antartica ?? :lol: :lol:

Denise said:
Yeah! But the sun isn't shining all the time, so you can try... :cool:

I tried :p Had to buy some food for the canary and the cat anyway.. Pffff it's sweating-hot :(

Jayne Did you survive ? ;) Men, it's very sweaty today.... :cool:
it was rainging very lightly this morning but then it cleared for the rest of the day. its been rather hot today outside though.
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