Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Denise said:
I would so love to live in the giant fridge that is Finland. :lol:

Tinkerbell What do you think of Antartica ?? :lol: :lol:

:lol: This time next year I could be posting from my Igloo with my Eskimo friends! Right now that sounds like heaven :lol:

Today is going to be hot! About 33/34c *cries* I'm so depressed.

Anyway, I'm trying to look for this satellite picture that was on the BBC website yesterday, but I can't find it now. It was a picture taken by a satellite dish of the UK last week. The UK was orange! :eek: I mean, really orange. If you ask me that can't be good, it looked pretty scary. :eek:
*cries with Tink*

I know - it's so hot :( had to keep the fan on in my room all last night because it was so humid, and doubt I would've slept otherwise.

Now today, temperatures are going to be up to 33 Celsius. It's boiling here, and this weather is not helping me to concentrate on my thesis. I was planning to get quite a bit done today, but I keep switching off, yawning and just staring at my PC screen! Damn heatwave :mad:

I went to the supermarket earlier this morning - ah, it was so nice and cool in there, especially where all the refrigerated and frozen stuff was :) I think that was about the coolest I'd been for at least the past 6 days :lol:

Hmm, maybe I should take my thesis to the supermarket and do it there :lol:
It winds from north and I was freezing :(

*kicks chair*

during the night it drops to some +10c
It's going to be 26 degrees today. I'm excited. It's the first time in two weeks that it won't be sweltering outside. *sigh*
I think that iglo is a very good idea!! Here it's 35 C today and very sweaty, at night it's above 20 C **sighs**
I'm considering in grabbing my pillow and sleeping on the balcony tonight :rolleyes: ... in skin only... *sigh* ... okay, leave that last part out, I don't want to know what my neighbours will think of me when they find me lying there in the morning..
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I'm considering in grabbing my pillow and sleeping on the balcony tonight :rolleyes: ... in skin only... *sigh* ... okay, leave that last part out, I don't want to know what my neighbours will think of me when they find me lying there in the morning..

I'm not sure whether to bother going to bed tonight at all. You could fry an egg on my skin at the moment. There's some dragonfly-looking thing hovering on my bedroom ceiling at the moment. Maybe I will get rid of that first :rolleyes:

I'm wondering should I leave my windows open tonight - yeah, it's hot and sticky, but my city has been warned of torrential downpours and risk of floods as thunderstorms are on their way...Man, oh man :rolleyes:
^^ that's bad when you can't leave your window open. I hate that when there are thunderbolts during the night. :rolleyes:

tomorrow will be the hottest day here. weather forecast said something about 35 degrees(or more). Why do I have to life in the hottest part of Austria? :rolleyes:
I want to live in Tyrol! (lot's of mountains, not so hot)
the ozone level is dangerous in some regions... :(
+26C, and right now it is night :p damit, i need those guys with big palm leaves who make some breeze between my bed :D
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