Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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The weather totally sucks! :eek:

Hot again today and it's probably going to last all week. Where is the cold whether I love? :lol: I really hate all this heat. :(
oh wonderful, it rained for a grand total of 3 MINUTES! grrrr....

and omg, Tinkerbell... your icon makes me giggle like a little school girl! wait... i am a little school girl! heheheheheh! *giggles shamelessly*
drkate said:
and omg, Tinkerbell... your icon makes me giggle like a little school girl! wait... i am a little school girl! heheheheheh! *giggles shamelessly*
I'm 24 and it still makes me giggle like a school girl! :lol:

GGgirl1 said:
If you like cold weather, baby, come to Québec City! :D
Great, my bags are packed! :lol: I've seriously had enough of the hot weather. :rolleyes:
You're welcome in my home, Tinkerbell!!! It's raining buckets right now, with thunder, and I had to close my windows (too cold for me...). Wish I had someone (pointing to avatar) to cuddle with... :devil:
Hot hot hot! I got so excited last night because it seemed to be cooling down but now today it is even hotter, and is worse when you have to iron! Hay-ho, day is nearly over now :D
Also Hot, Hot, Hot !!! Altough I still like this weather! :cool:
Can't remember ever having a summer like this here, so i'm not complaining :lol:
But the air humidity may decrease a lot!
it's nice out...what is this round ball in the sky that appears everyday?....oh yeah...it's the sun....it's semi hot once again....
In Santa Rosa, CA, the weather is very hot with the thermometer being about 40-41 degrees Centigrade or possibly higher.
It seems a bit cooler here or maybe I've just gotten used to the heat. :lol: It's about 28c at the moment, tomorrow is going to about 33c. Finally we might get some rain on Thursday. :D
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