Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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ahh, lovely cool day today, overcast yet again. but still no rain... *sigh* soon we'll be on level 4 water restrictions...
@_@ Good Lord..

It's like.. 38C(100F) outside! I'm boiling to death!

*lounging by the fan* It's supposed to get colder.. At least I hope so. The people in Osoyoos, B.C... I feel sorry for them. They're battling 45C(110F) weather! That's.. just about worse than Arizona and Saudi Arabia... if not worse.
Whohooo.. last evening, after the heavy rain fall we had here, I went outside and omg.. it was so great and yay!! I dunno, but it really cheered me up and woke me up too :D Today, nice and cloudy.. the warmth is still to be felt, so it's not cold.. but the sun's not shining :)
It is still extremely hot but at least it has cooled down a little, today it is about 23c. And there are finally clouds in the sky - there have been a couple of thunderstorms. During the thunderstorm last night the thunder literally lasted for about 15 seconds, honestly! :D I love 'em!
Depending where you were in L.A. yesterday, it was either hotter than the hinges of Hades, or just plain Holy &#%$!!! And humid. Thunderstorms. Feels like a freakin' sauna. Glad I don't live in Tarzana anymore - in Woodland Hills (which is right next to TZ) it was 119 yesterday. (I've been in "unofficial highs" in the 120's, but NEVER humid like this...) Where I now live it was closer to the "low 100's"...but still humid. My son lives in Sacramento - said it was 109. No relief in store today...welcome to HelL.A....
Sunny with patches of clouds :) I think this will be a fine day.. yesterday rocked though for a change.. sun was shining but not too bright, the air was pretty cool.. it was nice, finally managed to cool down the inside of the house.
omg! we're about to get a whole heap of rain i think! on the weather radar it shows showers are about to come over where i live! i'm so excited!

it hasnt been particularly cold today... and it's been fairly overcast though. great day!
+21c outside... and in the house... I think there's some rain coming... feels that way.
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