Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Oh my gosh, today it was freezing!There was no sun at all, and I think it got down to at least 5c, especially with the winds..*shivers*

tomorrow I am wearing my big coat to school instead of the small jumper I've been wearing
beautiful sunny day today, not too cold, not too hot. although we had to take our jumpers and blazers off for activity photos today at school and that was cold!

and jayne, your lucky that you get cold wind circulating in your room when you open a window. we mostly get hot, humid breezes during the summer... fun fun!

it must suck to be in england right now... do you guys have airconditioning?
drkate said:
and jayne, your lucky that you get cold wind circulating in your room when you open a window. we mostly get hot, humid breezes during the summer... fun fun!
Yeah I know.. I feel blessed :p Last night was horrid though.. no wind at all, and our houses are just not built for heats like these so inside it's even worse than outside.. morning breezes are the best breezes :) *sticks head out of window* ahhh nice!
Annika said:
Sounds perfect but my Finnish is very limited (kaksi olut )

:lol: It's ok. in German I know how to greet, ask where you come from, how old are you, count numbers and order a beer. That last one I can do well. (and I've studied it for 6 years)

9:40am and +15c
Had to close my window few nights ago because it was freezing to sleep :eek:
drkate said:
it must suck to be in england right now... do you guys have airconditioning?

Nope, the only air conditioned place are the supermarkets, banks...that's it really. :p

It's not SO hot today, it's cloudy! :( but the news says that it's going to get hotttter into next week. :D
kazzy said:
but the news says that it's going to get hotttter into next week. :D

Noooo! *sobs* I've had enough this week - can't take much more of this :eek:

Did anyone in the UK go outside in the sun yesterday? Heck, it was like walking into a blast furnace :eek:
Hah, it was kinda cloudy but whenever the sun popped out of the clouds, it was so hot. :eek: Good thing I had a pool to keep me cool all afternoon! :D
woah, I only just realised how hot it actually is over there...apparently its the hottest July day ever for you guys, getting up to 40c or something...

It even made our evening news :lol:
carlz31 said:
woah, I only just realised how hot it actually is over there...apparently its the hottest July day ever for you guys, getting up to 40c or something...

It even made our evening news :lol:

Wow, we made the news in Australia? Cool! :lol:
omg omg omg YAY!! Came back online just to say: it's raining!! *woots* well just a few tiny drops but still.. My hand happened to be just below the open window.. and my first thought when a drop hit my hand was: 'now who the hell is spitting?' :rolleyes: But YAY!! I think it stopped now though :(
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