Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Today is, umm...30 Celsius here. Though is a bit more wind today, and some clouds too.

Swear I'm gonna throw all my food out the fridge and put myself in there until this weather breaks on Thursday :lol:
Too Hot, and i have to get all dressed up for prom tomorrow in this heat- tis not fair! *melts into oblivion*
Urgh! Too damn hot, I can't stand it. Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter (about 32c)! :eek:

In the words of Samantha in Sex And The City - Now if you'll excuse me, I simply must stick my head in the freezer!
Yeah, I keep hearing 'the heatwave will intensify as the week goes on'. Nooooooo :eek: :lol:

I'm amazed my proteins haven't started denaturing and my skin falling off.
It's absolutely boiling. Way too hot. Heatwave warning and tomorrow is going to be even hotter. I hate the heat. British wwather, where art thou?

I'm actually, physically going to die when I go to Las Vegas.

its nice and warm in the sun outside but inside it's freezing! my fingers are really cold! i wish i had a laptop so i could type outside in the sun! its currently around 18c outside, i have no idea what temperature it is inside my house though.

beautiful blue skies today, only clouds i can see are cute little white fluffy ones... *sigh* lol
Heatwave :p Don't know about the temperature today, but I suppose around 30C.. arghhh and I have a staff-outing this afternoon.. meaning: either hiking or waterskiing.. meaning: I get another massive burn probably.

My neighbour told me tomorrow's going to be 35C :eek:
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