Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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You have thunderstorms there Tink? :eek: Wicked! :D

Hope they blow towards my way too :p

It's unbearable here too actually - this heat is making me so lethargic. I can't think properly half the time! All I want to do is lie down and sleep :lol:
wibble said:
You have thunderstorms there Tink? :eek: Wicked! :D
We had a huge down pour this afternoon, thunder, lightening, the lot. :eek: It lasted all of about 1 hour! Now, you'd never would have known we had one, baking hot outside. :rolleyes:
Cool ^. Apparently the thunderstorms will be here tonight and also tomorrow lunch time according to the weather forecast.

It's been a tad cooler today at 29 Celsius. And a bit more breeze too.
Grey and overcast this morning - can't wait for the thunderstorms later! :D I think the temperature has dropped a little too, which is nice :)

ETA: Whoohoo! The thunderstorms are here! It's now pouring with rain, hooray! :D
Well, it's a lot cooler today. I'm sitting here patiently waiting for the thunderstorms to hit. *gives wibble a jealous look* :lol: :p
Tinkerbell said:
*gives wibble a jealous look* :lol: :p

Well, you needn't be jealous anymore Tink - the thunderstorms appear to have blown over now, so that was short-lived :lol:

And now it looks like the sun is trying to come back out again :(
If you want rain I can send it to you,here it doesn't stop raining and nope,they're not raining men.
Oh,I need it to stop,I want to go to the beach,I'm white as a vampire.
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