Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

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Ugh, hot...it's like 28C outside. Now if I was swimming today it would be better...but I'm not swimmming. Ha, just found out it should rain tomorrow :)
Whoa!! Such a rude awakening I had at around 5 a.m. this morning :eek: Thunder woke me up and it was so loud - it sounded like an explosion :eek: For a second I thought a bomb had gone off :eek:

Thunderstorms were raging until about 8.30, and seem to have blown over now, but not before knocking out the power to some parts of the city and somehow messing up my wireless internet connection :eek:

It's now grey and overcast but looks like the sun is trying to come out.
+24c and sunny. Man, it would be nice if it rains someday. Ground starts to be bit too dry. Thunderstorms should come by the weekend but who knows.
It bucketed this morning, but now it is sunny and hot again; Typical english weather really- unpredictable!
Sunny and at the moment (9:45) +24c. I think it will go up to 30c today :( It's too much for a duck like me.
DaWacko said:
It was +28.5c earlier, now "only" +27.5
It's _way_too_hot_

If you think that's hot, you should have been in Holland earlier this week! That was horrible :eek: ! Hottible :lol:
RoosCSILover said:
DaWacko said:
It was +28.5c earlier, now "only" +27.5
It's _way_too_hot_

If you think that's hot, you should have been in Holland earlier this week! That was horrible :eek: ! Hottible :lol:

It will be warmer tomorrow :( And I go to play some street floorball! In the middle of the city! it's like mega hot there!
Gosh I hate to work in this weather. Since being with moos, I have to wear my dear Nokia rubberboots... want to guess how hot those are? And today I finally found my workshorts :(
And because of animals inside, it's even hotter there and all heavy work :(
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