Lets rp... LV style

"Well that makes sense - but where was the aunt shot, I presume she would have tried to call 911 but theres no blood transfer on the phone. Has anyone found the murder weapon yet?"
As nick was looking for sara, he spotted a gun lying beside the bed. "i think i may have just found the murder weapon." nick said snappign a few pics. And as he bent down to pick it up, he found another one under the bed. "or i should say, murder weapons?" he said picking the two up.
"So now we have two possible murderers" she looked around the room with her torch and spotted a bullet embedded in the wall "Nicky, Sara got a stray bullet" she yelled. Noticing Nick was still searching for Sara "Nicky have u found Sara yet?"
Nick turned his head to cath, "found her" he said. "im gonna go see her" he said as he exited the room. "sara? there you are!" he said. "we figured out that it might be a double homiside, cause we found another gun under the bed. Aside to the one we found before that. What have you uncoverd?" he asked
(oh, thank you!)

Nick took his camra out and began snapping. "ok, but she would have had to gone up stairs to call for help, and on her way, she passes the girls room... where is the aunt while this happens? or i mean the mom? why didnt they call for help in the kitchen instead?"
"Panic makes people's minds fog. My guess is no one was thinking clearly," she replied. She noticed something in the blood and bent for a closer look.
"hey guys" said catherine following their voices into the room "i just found a blond hair on the body - do ya know what colour hair the aunt had?"