Lets rp... LV style

Lindsay nodded her head and walked over to the seats that were in the hall, and she sat down. She looked around and began to think about the night so far, and just how filled it was. She saw greg pull out his cell, and call gil.
Catherine walked into the lab and the tech. "Hey can you confirm if theres any GSR on this sample please, its a priority" asked Cath.

"Sure, if you give me a couple of days or maybe you guys could take some initiative and actually do something for once" she said obviously annoyed about something.

"Theres no need for that attitude, we're all working our asses off, everywhere is short staffed not just the lab you know, and if youve got a problem you should take it up with Ecklie not me, its his call" she was not in the mood for people moaning, she knew she had to get this solved for Gil and Saras sake.

"Fine, ill do it now, but the dayshift supervisor will not be happy" Cath sat down got out her PDA and made some notes while she waited.
"The sample tested positive for trace amounts of GSR" said the tech.
"Thanks" said Catherine confused "Thats helped alot" she said walking back along the corridor to Greg and Lindsay.
Just at the most intimate and silence needed moment of his life, Gil Grissom's cell phone rang. Pulling away from Olivia, he cursed under his breath. "I'm sorry, I hope this isn't becoming a habit. Grissom." His voice leaked annoyance as he didn't even bother checking the caller i.d. and sighed impatiently, trying to wipe the remnants of tears from his eyes.