Lets rp... LV style

Nick looked at gil, "wait, i think we're gonna meet up with olivia." he looked back at sara and smiled and shrugged his sholders.
Gil picked his head up as Sara said she wanted to stay with him. Nick bent down and hugged her, and the concealed tears still met his eyes. "You keep... keep good care of her, k Gil?" Biting his lower lip and dodging his eyes to the floor, Gil nodded back to Nick and sighed.

"Well, I have to talk to Olivia, and no offense Sara, I really think you need to just take a load off and get some rest. Or, I mean, I...I just went through a lot with her today and would like to tell her, just her and me. If you don't mind, I was going to tell her about--us. If you wouldn't mind giving me a lift back to the diner, I think the Tahoe's still there unless someone moved it. And I mean, should she go back to your place or mine or I mean, should," at this his rambling quieted and slightly blushing he murmured the last part. "Should you stay at my place? But I mean, we have to decide that part, too." His crystalline eyes scattered to her chocolate brown ones, pure passion but sorrow and worry about the man standing next to him shining out.
back at A&E Cath had just been called into the doctors office where she was told shed sprained her ankle. The doc bandaged it up and told her to rest "huh yeah like thats gonna happen" she said as she left, thanking the doctor "Sorry linds, no cast just a sprain im afraid" she laughed
Lindsay wrinkled up her nose in disapointment. "you need crutches?" she asked, "oh, and can we go to see greg? and you said somthing about the rest of them being here?"
"no, well they havent given me any, will just have to hobble around for a while" she laughed kind of embarrassed as she hobbled over to her bag to call Greg. "Ill call Greg now" she said "Hey Greg its Cath, hows it going?"
Sara smiled to put him at ease. "No, I don't mind if you tell her, and sure, I'll give you a lift. I'd be happy to stay at your place. That is, if that wouldn't be wierd for you."
Her smiled warmed Gil's heart, and nerves, as a meek smile of his own turned up the corners of his lips. "Well, of course it's going to be weird, but I wouldn't have it any other way." Turning to Nick he held out his hand. "I hope this hasn't come between us. I'm sorry if it did, Poncho." At the last part, his eyes ducked down before looking up again and straightening as they shook. A sharp beeping echoed from his pocket and Gil pulled back quickly, fumbling with his cell to figure out who called him.

Starting to dial after the message, he said,"It was Catherine, she's here in the hospital with Greg and Lindsay somewhere. Fantastic, Jim's handling the suspect alone then." The annoying ringing of the phone echoed in Grissom's ear as he waited for Cath to pick up.
Catherine heard her phone beep "oh can you hang on a minute Greg ive got another call, it was Grissom "Willows" she said "Hey Gil"
Grissom sighed at Cath's voice. "Cath, I got your message. How's your foot? Are you and Linds and Greg still at the hospital? And ah, I need to tell you something." Pausing to glance up at Olivia across the room he sighed. "The aunt had a major alergic reaction to something they gave her and her throat closed up too quickly. She died. Sara and I are the only people she has left."
"Oh my God" she said stunned, for once she was silent "Gil are you ok, what are you going to do? Does Olivia know? Is there anything I can do?" she didnt like the tone of Gils voice, shed never heard him like this before, it scared her.
Lindsay saw that something was wronge with the way her mother's voice changed, "whats going on mom?" she asked nudging her mothers arm. "mom, tell me what happened!" she kept nagging.
Cath put her hand over the phone "Lindsey, Olivias aunt just died, so now all she has is Uncle Gil and Sara" she said whisphering so noone else could here. Lindsey looked kinda upset, making Cath even more upset, although she didnt have any reason to be really.

Cath smiled at Lindsey and turned back to Gil, "Gil you still there?"