Lets rp... LV style

The boy laughed, "so you can beat us to sh*t again?" he said adding to the imberrasment. "-and yes you did do that! remember? you even asked for our name and address, you scared us you crazy b*tch!" he said. Lindsay got mad and stepped up, "hey!" she shouted, "dont call my mom a b*itch!" she threatened. the boy smiled. "what are you gonna do to me? spray beer in my eyes?" he said stupidly. Lindsay boiled with anger as she stepped back taking her motehrs arm. "-lets go" she said looking at the guys. The three started laughing, shouting out at them.
"its ok linds" she then turned to the boys "ok i did not do that to him, i work for the crime lab and i have plenty of people who can prove that to be true, so dont even think about pressing charges. And stay away from Lindsay" she said taking Lindseys arm and walking away out of the hospital.
the three were left in the room, with all the people stairing at them. -awkward!
meanwhile, lindsay looked up at her mother. "mom, im sorry that happened" she said smiling. "your one tough b*itch!" she said laughing
"thanks linds, but dont you ever say that again" she said smiling at her daughter, "We'd better get back to the lab, otherwise im going to have Grissom breathing down my neck and thats the least he needs right now" she said as they got into the SUV and drove to the lab. She then used her hands free and called Greg, "Hey Greg, its Catherine, can you test the suspects hands for GSR for me please?" she said.
Greg turned the corner "Sure thing Cat but i have to get here first" he suddenly stopped becaise a car came out of a lane with out signaling and he dropped his cell phone "Crap" he said to himself.
"Ok good, ill be there soon, but was thinking that we know the mum has been holding the gun, but she and the aunt only had trace amounts of GSR on their hands, and the prints on the guns are only partials and smugged, so they must be theirs or the suspect's right?" she asked "and Cat?!" she said unimpressed
"Ok ill be there in 20 minutes" she said wondering why he was yelling "Bye Greg" she closed her cell. She then turned to lIndsey "You up for coming to the lab or do you want me to take you home?"

(last post for now, bye!)
(k, bye!)

lindsay said she was happy with going to the lab. "i actually dont mind!" she said smiling. "-i also dont realy want to be at home alone for tonite."
Grissom closed the phone and sighed, looking back at Sara for a bit of hope and wondering, before heading forward into the frontlines. "Thanks guys, sorry about that. I needed to speak to my coworkers for a minute." The security men just nodded and walked off, leaving him and Olivia alone in the crowded hallway. Kneeling he looked up at her, giving a meek smile. "Hey, sorry about that thing earlier. Just-just some issues. Olivia, I need to talk to you about some important stuff. Do you want to head to someplace a little quieter?" Pointing off in the direction of the outside garden, his smile completely fell away, realizing he was about to tell his daughter that she was, well, his daughter.
Sara paused at the door, then headed back to the lab.

Olivia nodded, noticing his quiet intensity had retuurned. "Is everything okay? You look a little nervous."
Hey guys, just wanna let you know that this RP will be closed tomorrow....

Hope you find a way to keep playing elsewhere
