Lets rp... LV style

Sara sighed. She couldn't help aching for Olivia. She remembered how it felt when she lost her own family, and now Olivia was going through the same pain. There was one bittersweet bright spot in this mess, though. She and Gil would help her through it however they could, no matter what it took.
Gil coughed and shook his head 'yes'. "Yeah, Cath, I'm fine. Listen, I just need somebody there with Jim and the suspect. I'm fine, Sara's fine, Nicky's fine, we're all fine. I'm just going to tell Olivia now, so maybe if you could just refrain from making any calls in the next hour or so, that would be kind of...nice. I'll explain what we're doing later, and if you could swing by my place when I call you, it would be much appreciated." He turned to Sara and motioned over his shoulder towards Olivia. 'Here goes nothing,' he mouthed as he turned and walked towards her, finishing the conversation with Catherine.
"Yeah sure Gil" she said "Good Luck" she finished the conversation, sighed at Lindsey and got back to Greg "Greg you still there?" she said placing her ankle on the table.
(um theres a table at the hospital in the waiting room, sorry wasnt clear :))

"Did you here Olivias aunt died? what are we going to do, she was our only adult witness to the crime? and poor Olivia and Gil and Sara. Unless youve got anymore evidence?" she asked
Lindsay looked at her mother, wondering what was being said. She grew tired of waiting, and she had to walk around after what had happened to her on the street, so she told her mother she was gonna visit the gift shop and buy a snack/drink.
Catherine signalled to Lindsay that that was ok. "So what do we do back to the crime lab and to the body and apartment. Grissom says we need to get back to Brass and the suspect and not to disturb him for like an hour. You up for that or have you got any other ideas?"
now at the gift shop, lindsay looked out the glass window to find all three boys in the hospital, one beaten up really badly and the other two there for his company she figured. She boiled with anger and stormed out of the gift shop and headed for the three. "what the f**k happened to you!?" she shouted, and not in consern either, in anger. "you were just fine 10 minutes ago!" the one that had harrased her stood up. "hey baby!" he said walking to her. Lindsay rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth. "shut up!" she shouted. everyone in the waiting room looked at her. The boy's face grew mad, "what? your telling me to shut up?" he laughed, "your mom beat the sh*t out of joey!" he said pointing to the kid. Lindsay looked at him. "WHAT!?! how could she? she has a broken ankle you di*k!" the boy looked behind her at her mother. "-she seems fine to me!" he said frowning. As cathrine walked up to lindsay, everyone in the waiting room looked at her weirdly, in a discusted way.

(sorry, im board)
"Ok Greg gotta go emergency" she said shutting off her cell and hobbling up to Lindsay, embarrassed as she thought everyone was staring at her cos she was limping "What the hell is on here, I thought I told you to stay away from Lindsay" she said addressing the boys not seeing Joey.
Everyone began to make up scenarios in their minds, and the more they did, the more they were discusted. Lindsay looked around. "mind your own buisness!" she said to everone. Everyone now kept flickering their attention to lindsay. Lindsay looked at her mother. "mom, we should talk to them in privite." she said. She looked over at the boy that had harrased her, who was now smiling. "yet again, this is to much of an ishue to put on hold" she said keeping her eyes on the boy. One of the boys replied to cathrine, "yeah, we know what you said... what are you expecting us to leave joey in pain after what you did to him?" he said adding to the peoples story going on in there heads.
"What do you mean what i did to him, i never did that?" she said looking at Joey "and Lindsay right" she said noticing people staring, she didnt care but she noticed Lindsay looking a bit uncomfortable "we should discuss this somewhere more private"