Lets rp... LV style

"It ok lindsey i wont just stay back" she said reassuring her daughter. she then turned to the three guys staring at her with looks of terror. "Ok i want your names and address right now, and dont even bother giving me fake ones, then I want you to all get your asses back home, and you can all expect a telephone call from the station, got it?" she said still pointing the gun. One by one they gave her their names etc. and she lowered her gun and wrote them down. "Ok now get out of here and dont you ever come near Lindsey again" she said the rage in her voice making one of the guys visibly shake. They ran off sheepishly. She put away her gun and got into the car and turned to Lindsey "you alright honey?" she trembled tears coming to her eyes.
Lindsay didnt dare make eye contact with her mother, "yeah, im fine" she said timidly. She rubbed her thigh wiping off the sweat from her hands, her hand shaking a bit. She looked out her window, "can we just go now?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah sure hun" she said driving off to the hospital. As she drove her mind raced, she felt a sense of guilt that she had never felt before, she hated herself fot putting Lindsey in that situation and she felt some resentment towards Greg for talking her into letting Lindsey go, but she knew she couldnt blame him really. She turned round and smiled at Lindsey hoping for some kind of response and then turned to look at the road again.
Lindsay sat there, quietly until her mother turned to her. she knew exactly what he mother was thinking. she couldnt let her mother blame people other then herslef. (when i say herslef, i mean lindsay) "mom?"
"yeah?" she said quitely looking at Lindsey through the front view mirror, she knew how erratic her driving could be when she got angry so she kept looking straight ahead of her, plus she felt too ashamed of herself to actually look at her daughter.
"im sorry for making you come out here, with a broken foot and all. how is it by the way?" Lindsay had to talk, or she'd start to bawl for no reason. She could see her mother glance at her through the rear view mirror. She swollowed hard, ready for what ever her mother was gonna say.
"its fine for now,im driving us to the hospital so i can get it looked at and the rest of the team is there, at the moment anyway" she said awkwardly, she didnt want to bring up what happened just yet, so she continued to make small talk "maybe you could meet Olivia, i suppose she could do with some company, its not nice sitting in a hospital room by yourself" she said smiling at Linds half heartedly, unaware of Olivias aunts death.
"no not at you, not really" she said quietly "i am am at those punk-ass kids but really more at myself for putting you in danger, God knows what would have happened if i didnt get there when i did" a tear trickled down her face, which she briskly pushed away, she didnt want Lindsey to see her cry.
Lindsay smiled at her mother saying 'punk-ass'. "oh... you didnt do anything. i just HAD to go with him." she said looking out her window. She began to think about the things that had happened to her that night, she also began to cry slightly. But she wiped the tears away. "im... so sorry mom!" she said her voice crackling every word. She hated being proved wronge, but this time, she just didnt have it in her to fight back.
"Linds please dont cry" she said as more tears started running down her face "just remember something my mum told me, no real man will ever make you do things you dont want to and will definately never make you cry" she said not really knowing why she said that but she felt it was an appropriate moment to impart some motherly advice. She pulled up into the car park and stopped the car and turned round to her daughter "just remember linds, whatever you do or whatever happens, i'll always be there for you" she realised shed got a bit soppy "unless im working" she said laughing trying to make a joke "yeah thats not funny" she said looking at lindseys reaction.
Lindsay laughed, "ok mom..." she opened the door and walked around to her mothers side, and helped her get out of the car. "hey mom? if you get a cast... can i drive home?" she asked seriously
Sara's gaze went from Gil to Nick and back again. "Nicky, are- are you sure you'd be okay with that? I mean, my feelings for Gil, they've never changed, but I don't wanna hurt you."
"yeah in you dreams" she said laughing as she hobbled into A&E with Lindseys help. She got up to the help desk "hi im Catherine Willows ive tripped and my leg is killing me, im with the Las Vegas crime lab and theres currently a case going on here so if you could bump me up the list id appreciate it" she said to the woman behind the help desk "Sure" said the woman rolling her eyes as she turned to stamp Cath in.

Lindsey and Catherine sat down in the waiting room in silence for a while, so Cath tried getting back to trivial school matters to try and make conversation "So i here they're doing the play of Grease at school, you going to audition?" she said cheerfully
Lindsay shrugged her sholders, "i dont know... i dont think so. i cant really do that type of stuff so good ya know?" she said looking up at her mother, happy to see she was ok.

meanwhile, back with nick, gil, and sara;
Nick smiled again, trying his hardest not to make it seem phony, "yeah, im fine with it sara. really!" he smiled and gave Sara a hug. "hey, im happy for you two..." he began to tear slightly. "you keep... keep good care of her k gill?" he smiled looking over at gil.