Lets rp... LV style

"er yeah you are, especially after what i just heard you most definately are." she said getting angrier, she hated not being able to protect LIndsay "Hospital it is then or im coming over there myself" she threatened. As she looked out of her window she saw another crime lab SUV pull up. Thats strange she thought 'that looks like Gregs car'.
Nick disagreed with what Gill had said about the rotational parent thing, but he did know that Sara needed time. "gill, it would make things way to complicated for little olivia to have somthing like that." he looked at Sara, "still no pressure, but still, do whats right for Olivia to! her benifit is what matters most now..." he said giving Sara a smile.

meanwhile, back at the teens house, lindsay sat there on the couch looking at the boy, but very much in focus of what her mother was saying. "um, no im not! you dont even know where i am do you!?" she said. The boy laughed in the back ground as lindsay threatened to spray a shaken can of beer all over him. She'd never do it, but she shook it just in case.
Greg unbuckled his seat belt and stepped outside and walked to the doors not knowing what room the aunt was in he went up to the front desk "Ecusse me" he asked, "How can i help you" the young nurse asked. Greg smiled at her and remembered he was there for a reason "I'm looking for someone" he told her. The nurse blushed at Gregs stare "Who are you looking for" the nurse asked politly. Greg thought for a secound because he didn't know what her last name was "Excuse me" he said to the nurse and walked outside and called Catherine.
"Lindsay i work in the crime lab i have ways of finding these things out" she realised that sounded a bit stalkerish "just get here please, you promised me youd leave at midnight, and its now midnight so just do it please" she said exasperated. She waited for a reply but then her phone bleeped "Linds hang on ive got another call"
"Willows" she answered
"Its Parkerson she should be in intensive care. Listen Greg ive gotta go ive got Lindsey on the other line. Ill just check myself in and then get back to the case, you keep me posted til then. Bye" she said then getting back to her conversation with Lindsey "Linds, you still there?"
Greg hung up and walked back to the front desk "I'm looking for a Mrs or Ms Parkerson she should be in intensive care" he asked not knowing if she was married. The nurse smile "It's just up stairs in room 201" she told him. Greg smiled "Thank you" he smiled. Greg took the evlevator and went to the room where he was told she would be and saw that the bed was epmpty and he looked around in the room and saw a doctor pass by "Excuse me is this Ms. Parkerson's room" he asked, "Oh i'm sorry Ms. Parkerson died this afternoon" the doctor told him. Greg thought for a moment "Thank you" he said and the doctor walked away.
Lindsay had been waiting for her mother to pick up again, but as she did, the teen moved in on her again. This time, he reached for her shirt, and begun to undue her buttons as he kept he mouth ocupied with his. Lindsay tried hard to get him off of her, but she couldnt, 'this is what i get for going out wiht older boys' she thought. When she heard her mother pick up the phone, she put it down on the couch, as she pushed him off of her with both hands. "GET LOST YOU CREEP!" she shouted wiping off her mouth and doing up her shirt. She picked up the phone again and was about to talk, when she remebered the beer can. The boy wouldnt take no for an answer, he got up and grabbed lindsays arms and forced his tounge into her mouth. She bent down and grabbed the can, shook it once more, and opened it in his face. He backed up and she took the phone and ran out the house. She got to the street and began talking again. *catches breath. "mom? are you there still? mom..." she paniced
"Yeah Linds im here, whats wrong, whats happened" she said anxiuosly hearing the panick in Lindsays voice it made her feel sick and for the first time the pain in her ankle was gone.
She sighed, the sigh full of stress. "mom, i kinda..." she looked behind her to make sure no one was following her. "i kinda want that ride now..." she said. "please?" she practicly begged
"Sure Linds" she said sympathetically, she kinda figured what had happened, "ill be there in ten, just text me the address" she felt so guilty but like Greg said she had to let Lindsey live and learn. she closed her cell and phoned Greg, she got his voicemail so she left a message "Greg its Catherine, ive got to go pick up Lindsey so ill be gone for like 20 minutes, see ya later bye" she then hobbled over to her car and drove off.

(last post from me for now, bye!)
Grissom knew Nick was right about swinging Olivia around like a rag doll. "God, I'm so stupid, of course not. See, Nick's already being better at a parent than I am, and she's my daughter." Letting a weak smile and chuckle through, he turned and started walking slowly the few hundred feet to the guards. About three yards away, Grissom stopped and turned, taking one last look at Sara before turning to Olivia. Honestly, Gil felt terrified, telling his own daughter that two women whom she thought were her mother and aunt all of her life were dead in one day was just...a lot for a - what she's..she's nine now, it was a little over nine years since San Fran with Sara. Shaking his head a little, his glazed blue eyes took in the playful little girl, head hung and hands in the pockets, before shaking his head again and waiting.
(last one from me to! bye!)

Lindsay sat on the curb of the street she was on, and waited for her mother to meet up with her. about 3 minutes before Cathrine showed up, the boy teen and two other boys showed up and began to surround Lindsay. "what do you want!?! leave me alone!" she shouted as the boys grabbed hold of her and began to kiss her all over. They each took their turn. Lindsay was to weak to get away, so she excepted it until her mother got there. "Mom..." she said under her breath. The three continued harrasign her, until a car pulled up to close for their likings. They all broke up and looked at Cat. "whats going on pretty thing!?" said one of the teens, while the other two still held on to lindsay.
Catherine was driving along the road when she saw a group of boys harrassing a girl as she got closer she realised it was Lindsey and raced towards them. "Lindsey" she cried as she saw what was happening she grabbed hold of her daughter free from the two guys. She then turned to the three boys and glared hard at Lindseys boyfriend "You are gonna regret the day you ever set eyes on me and Lindsey" she said to them "Yeah what you gonna do about it grandma" said one as the other ran for Lindsey. "Dont even think about" she said pulling her gun from her waist. The boys stood there and froze. "Lindsey in the car now" she ordered, she just stood there "Lindsey now" she ordered again.

(very OOC i know, but am bored :))
(meh, its fine! probally simaler to what i would have done!)

Lindsay looked at her mother with the gun in her hand, and at the three boys. She was worried about what her mother was gonna do, but she didnt want to get in the way either. She turned and began to get in to the car. -just before she closed the door, she looked at her mother, "hey mom, dont do anything you'll regret..." she said with a worried expretion on her face.