Lets rp... LV style

Grissom looked from Sara, to Nick, to Olivia, and back to Nick again. 'I just wish I could tell Grissom the truth.' Nodding to the guard, he whispered, "Stay with her for a second, will you? We need to speak about something before we meet up with Olivia." The man nodded and went back to his colleague and Olivia.

"Sara, you said that you wish you could tell me the truth. If...if you don't care for me the way you did years ago, then that's totally understandable, contrived infact. I've done so many things against you, Sara, that I'd be so grateful, astonished even if you took me back. But, but if the truth you wish, and need to tell me involves you Nick," at this he turned to Nick, a little more serious, eyes pleading for help. "Then I think all three of us need to be involved and I want you to stay."
Nick nodded his head at what gill had said, "alright, thats fine!" he smiled. This time, really smiling. He looked at Sara. "So, what is it?" he asked.
Sara felt her strength leaving, and soundless tears spilled from her wounded brown eyes. "Gil, I meant the truth about Olivia. If I'd only been strong enough to tell you the second I found out I was pregnant, things would've panned out so much differently. We could've stayed there in San Fran. The truth is," she started, her shoulders tensing as she glanced to Nick, "I do care for you the same way as so many years ago. Somewhere along the line, though, it got complicated because I started to care for Nick, too. Now, I'm not sure where to go. If I take you back, Nick's miserable, and if I stay with him, you're sad and hurt. Gil, what do we do?" She sighed tiredly. "I just want this to work out so we're all happy."
When Nick heard Sara still liked him, and she didnt know what to do, he jumped in. "Sara! please... PLEASE dont leave Gill, Olivia needs a mother and a Father right now." he said looking at the two. "and it would ONLY be right if you and Gill were together, Olivias..." he sighed "-biologicle parents." he looked at Sara. "it would make me happy if she got that. Im sure you two would be happier together anyways." he said lying.
Cath pulled up at the hospital car park, parked the SUV and got out her cell to phone Grissom, it went to voicemail so she left a message explaining where she was. She then dialled Lindsays mobile.
Lindsay had just walked in the door of the teen boys apartment, and she sat down on the couch and lit up. Just then, her cell rang. She saw that it was her mother, and she rolled her eyes as she picked up. "yeah?"
"Linds im at the hospital, ive done something to my ankle, i need you to go back to the lab now, your hours nearly up anyway." she didnt get a response "lindsey are you listening to me?" she said slightly annoyed
The teen boy got up and offered lindsay a beer, lindsay excepted his offer and he got 4, 3 for him, 1 for her. As he handed her her share, she laughed and stole another one from his pile. That was when she heard her mother ask if she was listening. "oh, um... yeah im listening. Mom, i was there when you sprained your ankle, remember?" he laughed as the boy whispered somthing in her ear.
"well linds i want you to call a taxi and either get here or the lab, your choice" again nothing "Lindsey listen" she said frustrated partially cos of the pain.
Greg was driving to the lab when he remember that he had to ask the aunt a couple of questions she he turned around and started to drive to the hospital.
again, as her mother talked, she zoned out and got ocupied by the boy. The boy had begun to whisper somthing again in her ear, followed by a loud, abnoctous burp. Lindsay sucked her teeth and looked at the boy, "ew!" she said. She heard her mother raise her voice again. "ok mom, im listening!" she sat there, sucking one back.
"well which is it lindsay, the hospital or the lab cos i have to order you a taxi" she said getting more annoyed at lindsays lack of attention.
Lindsay once again, dozed off into the world she and the boy were in before her mother had called. The boy took the phone from lindsay's hand, and began to kiss her, even though she told him to stop. He contiued, and she freaked, "get off of me!" she said pushing him off." he laughed and sat back, planning another move. Lindsay picked up the phone and begain talking, "sorry, what? im not leaving..."
As Sara said she still felt for him, Gil's heart leapt into his throat, adrenaline soaring through his bloodstream like lightning until it stopped dead like poison, she became infatuated and confused with Nick. Nick jumped for her to choose Grissom, and Grissom saw the hope that maybe if he pleaded for her to stay with Gil, than she'd go to him. Shaking his head and blinking hard, Grissom sighed and motioned for the three of them to follow him. Stopping at a single chair against the wall, he gently took Sara's hand and guided her to sit down.

"Sara, this is up to you. Neither of us care which one you choose, well, we do but we don't mind if you choose Nick or vice versa because we truly do love you and we want what you want and whatever that is, we'll live with it. Sara, there's ups to both Nicky and myself. He's younger and closer in rank in the labs to you than me. I need to talk to Olivia, explain things. But you don't need to decide now. I've already got it worked out with her caseworker that I have temporary custody of her until this is all sorted out in writing. If you do want to be with Nick, it'll be better, because then she'll have three parental figures, and we can switch her week by week or something, and I'll make sure your's and Nick's schedules that at least one person's home everyday so that Olivia's with someone. But for now, all she needs to know is that they're looking for someone to take care of her and in the meantime, I'm looking after her." Taking a step back, he squeezed her hand lightly and let go. "No pressure, it's whatever you want Sara. Right Nick? Oh, and Nick, it might be good if you came with me to talk to Olivia. Or you can go home, sleep, something." Glancing from Nick to Sara, he tried to communicate she needed to be left with him or Grissom for a time, until she decided.